Table Of Contents :

Sura Al-Baqarah (The Cow) No. 2
Contents of the Sura
Various Subjects Discussed .

Virtue of Studying this Sura

Every Virtue Closely Corresponds with the Contents .

Verse 1-5, Arabic
English Translation & Cmmentary
Commentary Verse 1
The Abbreviated Letters of the Qur'an
Commentary Verse 2
What is Guidance ?
Divine Guidance
Characteristics of Two Groups Who Lack in Faith
Religious Guidance
Why is Guidance Particular to the Pious Ones ? 
Piety in Lexicon and Religion
The Stages of Piety
First Stage
Second Stage
Third Stage
Commentary Verse 3
The Effects of Piety on Man's Spirit and Body
The Pious Ones, the First Group
Faith in the Unseen
Relationship with Allah
The Excellence and Importance of Prayer
Words of the Late Sahib Jawahir
Relationship with People
Commentary Verse 4
Belief in Divine Revelations.
Certainty of the Hereafter.
This Life Likened to the Prenatal Period of a Foetus.
Profound Effect of Belief in the Hereafter.
Commentary Verse 5
Both Guidance and Success Guaranteed to the Pious Ones Allah

CommentaryVerses 6-7
Disbelievers, the Second Group .
Infidelity and its Meaning
Infidelity, ` the Corrupt Tree '.
Faith, ` the Good Tree '
Verses 8-16; Arabic
English Translation
Commentary Verses 8-16
Hypocrites the Third Group
Hypocrisy, a Disease
Hypocrites, Claim to be ` Reformers ' .
Hypocrites, Think Themselves Wise .
Hypocrites, Change Colour Everyday
The Appearance of Hypocrisy and its Roots
The Necessity of Knowing the Hypocrite
A Few of Their Characteristics
Verses 17-20, Arabic
English Translation
Commentary Verses 17-20
Two Interesting Parables Illustrating the Hypocrite
Commentary Verses 21-22
Do Worship Allah!
What is Servitude and Worship ?
Some Explanations
The Sky and the Earth are Bounties
The Earth
The Gravity
The Sky
The Rain
Idolatry in Different Forms
A Detailed Scientific Meaning of Atmosphere

Commentary Verses 23-24
Why is the Holy Qur'an a Miracle and How ?
Why do Prophets Need Miracles ? .
The Holy Qur'an, The Everlasting Miracle of
the Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h.)!
The Holy Qur'an, Global and Eternal .

Verse 25

The Specialties of the Bounties in Heaven
Bountiful Gardens
The Fruits
Purified Spouses
Occasion of Revelation
Faith and Deeds
Purified Spouses
The Material and Spiritual Blessings in Heaven
Commentary Verse 26
The Parable of the Gnat
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary Verse 27
The Real Losers!
Commentary Verses 28-29
The Mysterious Bounty of Life!
The Seven Firmaments

Commentary Verses 30-33

Arabic and English Translation Man, Allah's Deputy on Earth!
Angels on Trial
Commentary Verses 34-36

Arabic and English Translation
Adam in the Garden
Why did Iblis Disobey ?
Was the Prostration for Allah or for Adam ?
Why was Adam and his Spouse Originally Placed in the Garden ?.
Realization of Responsibilities
Limits of Freedom
Understanding Repentance
Recognizing Friends and Enemies
The Heavy Forfeit Paid By Adam
Comments by the Late Allamah Tabatabaie
Commentary Verses 37-39
Adam's Return to Allah
The True Meaning of Repentance / taubah /
The ` Words ' Adam Learnt from the Lord

Commentary Verses 40

The Remembrance of the Favours of Allah Explanation
Jews in Medina
The Jews` Twelve Coventants with Allah
Allah will Fulfil His Covenant, too!
Why are Jews Called the Children of Israel?
Commentary Verses 41-43
Islam, the Means of  Discipline and Training
The Purpose of  Prayer
Commentary Verses 44

Commentary Verses 45-46
How to Overcome Difficulties
Patience and Prayer
What is ` Meeting with Allah ' ?
Commentary Verses 47-48
The Vain Imaginations of the Jews
Intercession in the Qur'an and Traditions
Commentary Verse 49
The Greatest Bounty Bestowed on the Children of Israel
Slavery of Females, Past and Present
Commentary Verse 50
The Rescue from Pharaoh!
Detailed Account from the Bible .

Commentary Verses 51-54
The Israelites' Greatest Deviation
Their Punishment .
` You have Indeed Wronged Yourselves ' .
Commentary Verses 55-56
An Unjust Demand! .
Result of their Demand .
Resurrection from the Dead .
Biblical Account .
Commentary Verse 57
Abundant Bounties!
Commentary Verses 58-59
The Israelites' Intensive Obstinacy
Refusal by Some to Repent
Commentary Verse 60
The Miracle of Water Gushing Forth in the Desert!

Commentary Verse 61
Demanding a Variety of Food
Why were the Israelites Stamped with Abasement and Humiliation?
Commentary Verse 62
A General Principle for Salvation
Who are the Sabians?
Who are the ` People of the Book ' ?
Commentary Verses 63-64
Hold the Signs of Allah Firmly!
How was the Mountain Raised over the Israelites' Heads?
Commentary Verses 65-66
Those Who Exceeded on the Sabbath
Divine Miracles of Moses (a.s.)
Commentary Verses 67-74

Arabic English Translation
Commentary: Verses 67-74
The Story of the Israelites' Cow
Commentary Verses 75-77
Occasion of Revelation .
Commentary .
A Futile Expectation!.
` What Allah has Revealed to You '.
Commentary Verses 78-79
Occasion of Revelation .
Verses 78-79.
The Jewish Learned Men's Plots of Oppression Against The Laymen

Commentary Verses 80-82
Earning Sin .
Commentary Verses 83-86

Arabic . English Translation
Commentary: Verses 83-86 .
The Breachers of the Covenant!
The Best Strategy for the Survival of Nations .
Commentary Verses 87-88
Their Covered Hearts
Commentary Verses 89-90
A Religious Adherent & an Infidel ! .
Commentary Verses 91-93
Racial Bigotries of the Jews
Commentary Verses 94-101

Arabic English Translation
Verses 94-101
The Jews' Claim on Heaven .
Allah Challenges the Jews' Claim
Occasion of Revelation .
None Denies Divine Signs Save the Transgressors!

Commentary Verses 102-103

Arabic . English Translation .
Verses 102-103.
Solomon (a.s.) and the Sorcerers in Babylon
Solomon Accused of Being a Sorcerer
The Story of the Two Angels, Harut and Marut
The Spread of Sorcery
Sorcery ö A Whirlpool of Blasphemy.
Commentary Verses 104-105
Occasion of Revelation .
Commentary .
Leave No Pretext for Enemies! .
A Precise Meaning .
The Curtain Pulled Back on Enmity and Grudge
Commentary Verses 106-107
The Purpose of Abrogation
Commentary Verse 108
Occasion of Revelation
Some Futile Pretexts
Commentary Verses 109-110
Envy and Obstinacy
Prayer and Alms-giving

Commentary Verses 111-112
The Qur'an Nullifies Racial Bigotry .
Commentary Verse 113
Occasion of Revelation .
Commentary .
Exclusivity Originates from Ignorance .
Commentary Verse 114
Occasion of Revelation .
Commentary .
The Most Unjust Ones! .
Mosques and the Ways of their Desolation
Commentary Verse 115
Occasion of Revelation .
Commentary .
Allah, the Omnipresent
The Philosophy of the Qiblah
Three Authentic Traditions.
Commentary Verses 116-117
The Jews, Christians, and Pagans and their Superstitions
Commentary Verses 118-119
Another Pretext .
The Prophet's (p.b.u.h.) Duty Defined in Regard to their Pretext
Their Hearts are All Alike!
Two Instructive Principles: Glad Tidings and Warning
Mistaken Belief in ` Ransom ' for Sins
Observing the Parallel between Encouragement and
Punishmentfor Training People
Commentary Verses 120-121
The Occasion of Revelation
Two Unsatisfiable Groups!
Pleasing Enemies has its Limits
Allah's Guidance is the Only True Guidance
How Should the Book Be Read ?
Three Groups of Readers Defined

Commentary Verses 122-123
Blessings Come with Responsibilities
Commentary Verse 124
Imamate, the Climax of Abraham's (a.s.) Honour
What does ` Words ' Mean ?
Eligibility for Imamate
Imam ö What Does it Mean ?
Imamate Bestowed on Abraham (a.s.)
Prophethood, Messengership, Imamate and their Difference
Imamate, the Climactical Rank of Abraham (a.s.) .
Who is Unjust ? .
An Imam, by Allah's Commission
Two Questions
The Distinguished Personality of Abraham (a.s.)
Commentary Verse 125
The Magnificence of the Ka`bah
The Secure Refuge, its Social and Educational Effects
Why the ` House ' of Ka`bah ? .
Commentary Verse 126
Abraham's (a.s.) Petition to Allah! .
Allah's Answer
Commentary Verses 127-129
The Structure of the House of Ka`bah
The Ka`bah, Originally Built by Adam (a.s.) .
Abraham (a.s.) and Ismail's (a.s.) Invocations

Commentary Verses 130-132
Abraham (a.s.), a Human Prototype .
Abraham's (a.s.) Submission .
Worthiness, the Byproduct of Purity and Sincerity .
Abraham's (a.s.) Bequest to His Children
Commentary Verses 133-134
Occasion of Revelation .
Commentary .
Everyone is Responsible for His Own Deeds .
Improve Your Own Faith and Deeds!
Commentary Verses 135-137
Occasion of Revelation .
Commentary .
Only Our Creed is True!
How to Recognize the Pure Religion
Accepting All Prophets of Allah
The Oneness of the Prophets' Invitation
Who were ` Asbat ' ?
The Meaning of / hanif /
Commentary Verses 138-141

Arabic and English Translation. Commentary .
The Baptism of Allah
Prophets before Moses (a.s.), neither Jews nor Christians.
Thrive on Your Own Excellencies .
End of Part One .
Beginning of Part Two
Commentary Verse 142
Occasion of the Change of the Qiblah .
Commentary Verse 143
An Ummat of Middle Standing .
Commentary Verse 144
Turn Towards the Sacred Mosque
Commentary Verse 145
They will Never be Content! 
Commentary Verses 146-147
Characteristics of Prophet Mohammad (p.b.u.h.)
Contained in (Earlier) Book
Commentary Verse 148
Every Religion has a Qiblah
The Day When Imam Mahdi's (a.s.) Adherents Assemble
Commentary Verses 149-150
Turn Your Face Towards the Ka`bah
Some Points and Messages
1. Fulfilment of Prophecy
2. Reiterated to be Renewed and Settled in the Minds and
Hearts of People Conclusions
Commentary Verses 151-152
Messengership of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.)
Rank of Man Promoted
Descriptions and Messages Derived from These Verses
Commentary Verse 153
Aid of Allah Requires Eligibility.
Commentary Verse 154
Purgatory Life for All .
Sorts of Life
Allah, the Living
Man's Life does not Perish after Death

End of Vol.1

The Light of  The Holy ur`an

Vol. 2

From Verses 155-157

Commentary: Verses 155-157
Trial, an Indisputable Divine Rule
Allah Tests All Human Being
Loss of Property
Loss of Life
Glad Tidings to Those Who Persevere with Patience
Imam Al-Mahdi

Verses 158, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verse 158

Acts Done Ignorantly

Verses 159-160, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verses 159-160

The Qur'an, the Book of Guidance
Repentant Ones
Commentary: Verses 161-163
Repentance at the Moment of Death
Faith in Theism
section 20: Unity of Allah, Fate of the Polytheists
Commentary: Verse 164
Existence of Providence
Harmony of Universe
Creation of the Heavens and the Earth
Constant Change of the Day and the Night
Ships that Sail on the Sea
Commentary: Verse 165
Disbelievers / Pagans
Commentary: Verse 166
Beware Who Your Leader Is
Beware of Whose Love You Carry in Your Heart
Commentary: Verse 167
Following Unfaithful Leaders
The Cruel Rulers Will Disown Their Faithful Followers
Section 21: Only Laful and Clean Food Should be Taken
Commentary: Verses 168-169
Lawful and Unlawful Food
Stages of Satan's Invitations unto Temptation
Commentary: Verses 170-171
Blind Following of the Ancestors is Condemned
Commentary: Verse 172
Commentary: Verse 173

Logical Reasons for the Laws of Prohibition of Particular Food
May Eat Unlawful Food Only if Forced by Necessity
Islam's Attention to the Problem of Food-stuff
Invoking Allah's Name at the Time of Slaughtering Animals
Islam, a Complete and Easy Religion
Do not Misuse the Exception Made for "Necessary Circumstances"
General Conclusion
Commentary: Verses 174-176
Prophet Mohammad's (p.b.u.h.) Advent Recited by the Jews
Results of Barring the Truth
Selling Faith is a Loss
Unlawful Food or Drinks will Incarnate in the Form of Fire
Punishment should be Appropriate to Crime
Concealing the Truth
Section 22: Genuine Righteousness, Retaliation, & Bequest
Commentary: Verse 177
Faith and Its Effects
Acting According to this Verse is Equivalent with Complete Faith
Those Who " Claim " Faith and Those Who Practice It
Belief in Allah, Resuurection, and the Revealed Book
Reaching a True Piety: Donations to the Poor
Patience and Perseverance
Verses 178-179, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation

Commentary: Verses 178-179
Saving of Life in Retaliation
Answers to Questions Regarding Retaliation
Retaliation & Pardon, a Complete Assemblage
Other Questions Concerning Retaliation Addressed
Commentary: Verses 180-182
Bequest in a Fair Manner
Circumstances Under Which Bequests can be Changed
The Philosophy of Testament
Justice in Testament
Bequest, Obligatory or Recommended
Bequest is Changeable During the Life
Section 23: Fasting during Ramadan; Rights of Property
Commentary: Verses 183-185
Fasting, the Origin of Piety
Some Specifics Regarding Fasting
Fasting and Its Educational, Social, and Hygienical Effects
Fasting in Former Religions
Ramadan, the Transcendent Month
The Principle of ' No Hardship
Verse 186, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
How are Supplications Answered?

Verse 187, Arabic; English Translation

Occasion of Revelation

Commentary: Verse 187
Allah's Limits
The Dawn
Piety, the Beginning and the End
Verse 188, Arabic; English Translation
Commentary: Verse 188
Bribery, a Calamity
Section 24: Fighting in Self-Defence; Pilgrimage under Restrictions
Commentary: Verse 189

Natural Measures

Commentary: Verse 190
Fight :Why & Against Whom
Verses 191-192, Arabic, English Translation
Commentary: Verses 191-192
Verse 193; Arabic; English Translation
The Preliminary Holy Wars for Freedom
A Defensive Holy War
Holy War Against Infidelity & Idolatry
Commentary: Verse 194
Commentary: Verse 195
Spending, a Prevention of Destruction
Verse 196, Arabic; English Translation
The Rites of Pilgrimage

Commentary: Verse 196
Rites Regarding Hajj and 'Umrah
Commentary: Verse 197
Commentary: Verses 198-199
Economic Activities in Hajj Season
Why 'Arafat?
Mash 'ar-ul-Haram
Main Conditions Related to the Pilgrimage
A Few of the Qur'anic Verses on Hajj
The Time for the Pilgrimage and the Discipline Therein
Disciplinary Restrictions of Amnesty during the Hajj Period
Lawful Game during the Pilgrimage
The Sanctity of the Holy Ka'bah and the Month and Offerings
The Disciplinary Conduct to be followed during the Pilgrimage
Commentary: Verse 200-202
Hajj & the Remembrance of Allah
Commentary: Verse 203
Celebrate the Praises of Allah

Verses 204-206, Arabic; English Translation

Occasion of Revelation

Commentary: Verses 204-206

Commentary: Verse 207
The Plot to Kill Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)
Speech of an Evil Person
Gaining Allah's Pleasure
Facing Danger in the Way of Allah

Verses 208-209, Arabic; English Translation

Occasion of Revelation

Commentary: Verses 208-209

Wordly Peace
Satanic Temptations and Deviations Usually Come Forth
Commentary: Verse 210
Signs and Evidence of Allah
Allah, the Self-Sufficient
Section 26: Rejection of the Signs and the Apostles from Allah

Commentary: Verse 211

Manner of the Children of Israel

Verse 212, Arabic; English Translation

Occasion of Revelation

Commentary: Verse 212
Commentary: Verse 213
Mankind, but a Single Nation
Complexity of Life Varies with size of Population
Necessity of a Judge
Faith in the Resurrection
Intentional Contradiction
Path to the Solution of Contradiction
Judgement of Prophets
Disputes Between Believers
" The Straight Path "

Verse 214, Arabic; English Translation

Occasion of Revelation

Commentary: Verse 214

Intense Adversities as a Divine Practice
Verse 215, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verse 215
Charity: What Should be Spent and on Whom
Commentary: Verse 216
Fighting in the Cause of Allah
Divine Laws of Creation and Legislation
Holy War
Referential Text from the Book of the Old Testament
Section 27: Questions about Various Imp6rtant Topics
Verses 217-218, English Translation

Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verses 217-218

Fighting in the Sacred Months
Effects of Belief and Disbelief on Deeds
Commentary: Verse 219
Wine and Gambling
Disadvantages Resulting from Drinking Wine and Gambling

Commentary: Verse 220

Concerning Orphans
Orphans are Our Younger Brothers/Sisters
Endeavor Justly for Orphans
Beware not to Consume the Wealth of Orphans Unjustly
Duties in Islam are not Unbearable

Verse 221, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verse 221

Selection of an Appropriate Spouse

Section 28: Regulation about Divorce

Verse 222, Arabic English Translation
Occation of Revelation
Commentary: Verse 222

Hygienic Concerns During Menstruation
Permitted Sexual Intercouse
Old Testament: Concerning Menstruation

Commentary: Verse 223
A Means of Protection for the Human Race
Be Mindful of Your Future (Life After Death)

Verse 224, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation

Oath Taking

Commentary; Verse 225
Responsibility of an Oath Taken

Commentary: Verses 226-227

'Forswear' in the Age of Ignorance
Duty of Prophets: Wipe Out Superstitions
Husband to be Attentive to his Wife
Giving Respits
Islam, the Advocator of the Oppressed
Divorce Accepted in Islam When Necessary

Commentary: Verse 228
Waiting Period After Divorce Prior to Remarriage for Women

Section 29, Divorce & respect for the Law

Verse 229, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verse 229

Rules Regarding Divorce
Divorce should not be Taken Lightly
Limits of Allah Regarding Duty of Husband and Wife
A Law-Breaker is Unjust

Verse 230, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verse 230

Another Rule Regarding Divorce
Men Should not Misuse Conjugal Rights
Importance of Insight
Observing Family Affairs are Among the Limits of Allah

Commentary: Verse 231
Divorce in a Fair Manner
Mock not Allah's Laws

Section 30, Discipline During the Term, Remarriage

Verse 232, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verse 232

Another Chain was Broken
Commentary: Verse 233

Seven Instructions upon Suckling

Commentary: Verse 234
Superstition Against Women in Old Times

Commentary: Verse 235
Can Widows be Engaged During Waiting Period?

Commentary: Verse 236
Divorce Prior to Settling Dowry & Consummation of

Commentary: Verse 237
Divorce Prior to Consummation but After Settling Dowry

Verse 238, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verse 238

Guard Your Prayers

Commentary: Verse 239
How to Pray when Conditions are Unsafe or during Travel

Commentary: Verse 240
Maintenance for the Widow

Commentary: Verse 241
Provision for the Divorced Woman

Commentary: Verse 242
Clear Signs of Allah

Section 32: Fight in the Cause of Allah; References to the Conduct of the Ancient People

Verse 243, Arabic; English Translation
Occasion of Revelation
Commentary: Verse 243

Fate of One of the Old Nations
Explanation of Ezekiel's Invocation

Commentary: Verses 244-245
Why is Donation Rendered into Giving a loan?

Verses 246-252, Arabic; English Translation

An Introduction to above Group of Verses
A Marvellous Incident!

Commentary: Verse 246
Israelites Request a king
Disobedience of the Israelites

Commentary: Verse 247

Saul Appointed King

Commentary: Verse 248
Ark of the Covenant
Description of the Holy Ark

Commentary: Verse 249
Saul's Troops Tested at the Stream
Encounter With Goliath

Commentary: Verse 250
Saul and his Troops Ask Allah for Patience & Perseverance
Reference to this Incident in the Bible
Leader should have Inspired Knowledge of Good and Evil

Commentary: Verse 251
David Slew Goliath

Commentary: Verse 252

Signs of Allah Recited to Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.)

Commentary: verse 253
Some privileges of a few prophets
Some privileges of the Prophet of Islam

Commentary: verse 254
A warning to the believers as for giving alms

Verse 255, Arabic-English Text
`Ayat-ul-Kursiy, one of the most important verses
The importance of the verse
Commentary: verse 255
Allah, the particular appelation for God
Some attributes of Allah
Allah may give some concealed knowledge to those He pleases

Verse 256, Arabic-English Text
Occasion of revelation
Commentary: verse 256
Embracing Islam needs no compulsion or force
It should not be fulfilled by mere pretence

Commentary: verse 257
The situation of believers and disbelievers, and their leaders
Section 35: How the dead are again raised by Allah

Commentary: verse 258
Nimrod and his disputation with Abraham about Allah
Abraham's reasons for Allah

Commentary: verse 259
Resurrection and illustration of guidance
The story of `Uzayr (Ezra)
Explanations of the verse

Commentary: verse 260
Abraham thought how bits of body could be gathered together
Explanations of the verse

Commentary: verse 261
A solution to the problem of difference of social classes
Explanations of the verse
Spending in charity is praised by the Quran

Commentary: verse 262
A worthy charity
The reward of the givers of charity is reserved with Allah

Commentary: verse 263
Confronting a needy, have a good manner

Commentary: verse 264- 265
Charities should not be followed with reproach and injury
A similitude: a rock sown with seeds
Another similitude: a green garden is likened to some faithful ones

Commentary: verse 266
Man is in need of righteous deeds
The similitude of an old man

Verse 267, Arabic-English Text
Occasion of revelation
Commentary: verse 267
What kind of property can be given in charity ?
Giving charities have two ends: the needy ones, and Allah

Commentary: verse 268
Satan threatens you of poverty when you decide to give charity
Abundance in wealth is under the cause of giving charity

Commentary: verse 269
The recognition between Satanic temptation and godly inspiration

Commentary: verses 270 - 271
The objective meaning of the unjust'
Giving alms `hiddenly' is better

Commentary: verse 272
The verse was revealed upon giving charity to non-Muslims
Explanations of the verse

Commentary: verse 273
Companions of the Ledge
Explanations of the verse

Commentary: verse 274
The verse has been revealed about HadĪrat Ali (a.s.)

Commentary: verse 275
Usurers are like mad persons
Explanations of the verse
Traditions upon usury
The disadvantages of usury
Trading without knowing its laws is falling into usury
Commentary: verse 276

Discription about usury
Explanation for the verse
Commentary: verse 277

Some qualittes of the believers
Commentary: verse 278

Interests of usury must be abandon
Explanations for the verse
Commentary: verse 279

Explanation for the verse

Commentary: verse 280
Explanation for the verse
Giving respite to the debtor

Commentary: verse 281
Some traditions upon usury and usurers

Arabic Text of verse 282
Commentary: verse 282
Commercial documents in the Qur'an
The existence of 19 different ordinances in the verse

Commentary: verse 283

Commentary: verse 284

Commentary: verse 285
Occasion of Revelation

Commentary: verse 286

The End of Sura Al-Baqarah