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272. " it is not upon you to guide them (o' muhammad),
but allah guides aright whomsoever he wills.
and whatever of good you spend in charity shall be for your own selves;
and you do not spend except seeking the pleasure of allah;
and whatever of good you spend shall be repaid to you in full
and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.

in majma`-ul-bayan and tafsir-ul-kabir by fakhr-razi, there are
cited some occasions of revelation for the above mentioned verse which,
on the whole, indicate that muslims were in doubt to give charity to the
indigents of pagans and non-muslims. when they inquired about it
from the messenger of allah (p.b.u.h.), this verse was revealed.

1- do not employ the abundance of giving charity and the
economical pressure for bringing infidels towards the faith

" it is not upon you to guide them (o' muhammad),..."

2- serving the deprived is a human sympathy, as well as a duty ,
and generosity is a value. hence, do give charity to non- muslims, too.

3- islam is a school of humanitarianism. it does not approve
poverty and deprivation, even for non-muslims.

4- the faith which be pretended under the pressure of economics
is not worthy.

5- guidance is a divine success which encompasses only the
receptive hearts

"... but allah guides aright whomsoever he wills."

6- the consequence of charity returns to yourselves. it survives
the spirit of generosity in you. it is through charity that the appearance
of levels among groups of people and social bursts can be prevented
and, instead, love and kindness may grow therein. however, in charity,
there can be found not deprivation while there is immunity in it.

"... and whatever of good you spend in chairty, shall be for your
own selves;..."

7- do not spend out but for allah, because, soon or late, all the
worldly benefits and merits will be vanished, but if giving charity be done
for the sake of allah, it will remain forever and you will enjoy of its

"... and you do not spend except seeking the pleasure of allah;..."

8- be bountiful in spending out, since whatever you give in charity
will come back to you with no decrease.

"... and whatever of good you spend shall be repaid to you in full,..."

9- if you accomplish something for allah, you will obtain your
reward whether a muslim or a pagan enjoys of it.

"... and you shall not be dealt with unjustly."

1 majma`-ul-bayan, vol. 1, p. 385