27. " those who break the covenant of allah after its confirmation and
    cut asunder what allah has commanded to be joined,
    and they make corruption on the earth;
    they are the losers".

commentary :
the real losers !

in the aforementioned verse, the subject was partly based on the
wrong-doers and their mischievous deeds. in this verse, these people
are introduced clearly by three qualities :

referring to the first quality it says :

" those who break the covenant of allah after its confirmation..."

then, it refers to their second quality, saying :

"... and cut asunder what allah has commanded to be joined, ..."

many of the commentators have pointed out that this verse refers
especially to the desertion of kinsfolk and breaking off ties of
relationship. but careful attention to the concept of the verse leads us
to a broader and more general meaning, in which the desertion of
kinsfolk is one of its examples.

the evidence that supports the above idea is that the verse
indicates that the makers of corruption cut the ties that allah has
commanded to remain fixed and firm. these joining ties cover the
union of kindred, meeting of friends, social relationships, connections
with the divine leaders, and relation with allah. therefore, we should
not confine the meaning of the verse to a single idea alone.

in some islamic narrations, however, the phrase : `what allah
has commanded to be joined' is rendered in connection with amir-ul-
mu'mineen imam ali (a.s.) and the entire ahlul-bait, the immaculate,

the third quality of the makers of corruption on the earth, which
is lastly referred to in this verse, is :
"...and they make corruption on the
earth; ..."

it is, of course, evident that they have neglected the path of
allah and disobeyed him. these disbelievers, who do not observe
mercy even towards their relatives, certainly treat others with cruelty.
they pursue their own pleasures and personal interests. it does not
matter to them where the society may be led. their central aim is to
increase their profit and to obtain their desires. they do not care if
they must do any wrong or commit any offense to reach their goals. it
is obvious how destructive the result of this kind of thinking and acting
may be in the society.

the qur'an, at the end of this verse, says :

"... they are the losers."

truly, it is so. what a greater loss than this that a man spends his
entire physical and spiritual capital on the way to the destruction and
disaster of his own life !

what fate can they have save this dreadful one when some people
step out of the circle of obedience to allah's command to the extent
of the meaning of the term /fisq/ ` mischief ' ?

`mischief', in islam, is one the most abhored crimes, as the qur'an
says :
" mischief is more grievous than murder ", (2:217). this is one of
the many indications that islam stands for peace on earth and never
tolerates anything which disturbs it.