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254. " o' you who have faith! spend (in alms) of that which we have
provided for you, before there comes a day wherein shall be
no bargaining, neither friendship, nor intercession;
and the infidels ö they are the unjust."


this verse is rendered as a warning to the believers, telling them
to give alms and not to lose the respite they have in this life. they are
recommended to provide some fitting provisions thereby for their
certain journey; the next life, the hereafter. it says:

" o' you who have faith! spend (in alms) of that which we have
provided for you, ... "

on the resurrection day, there will be neither any bargain to buy
the means of felicity and security against one's infidelity, nor any friend
or intercessor to make their infidelity invalid.

"... before there comes a day wherein shall be
no bargaining neither friendship, nor intercession; and the infidelsö
they are the unjust."

they are deprived from intercession in that world because they
were the cause of deprivation for others in this world. for example, a
miser person not only is unjust to himself, since he extinguishes the light
of generosity inside his self and wastes his situation in the hereafter, but
also practically proves inequity against others when he ignores the
divine commendments.