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263. " a kind word and forgiveness is better than a charity that is followed
by injury, and allah is self-sufficient, forbearing."

this verse, in fact, completes the idea in the previous verse. it
says that those who have a good manner and good statement, facing
with the people in need, and forgive them even when their insistence is
with rudeness, their action is better than the donation of those who
cause injury and irritation thereafter.

" a kind word and forgiveness is better than a charity that is followed by
injury, and allah is self-sufficient, forbearing."

this verse makes clear the logic of islam due to the social values
concerning the honour of people. islam considers the value of the
action of those who speak helpfully and leadingly with the needy people
in order to protect them and keep their secrets hidden. this is more
valuable than the charity of some selfish short-sighted individuals, who
have sorts of approach and injury on such honourable persons for a
small donation they give.

as was mentioned before the loss of these stingy people is more
than their profit. when such persons give something, they ruin
something else, too. thus, the above statement made it clear that the
qur'anic phrase /qaulun ma`ruf / `a kind word' has a vast meaning so
that it envelops any word of kindness, consolation, affability and

the word /maq­firat / (forgiveness), mentioned in the verse, is used
in contrast with the rudeness of the needy people.

in nur-uth-thaqalayn, the commentary,
1 it is narrated from the
holy prophet of islam (p.b.u.h.) who said:

" when a needy person asks you, do not interrupt his statement until he
completes it. then, respond him calmly and politely, or give him what you
are able to spend, or return him agreeably, because the one may be an angel
who is commissioned to try you in order to see how you behave with the
blessings that allah has bestowed upon you. "

1 nur-uth-thaqalayn, vol. 1, p. 283