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273. " (charity is) for the poor who are restrained in the way of allah,
and are unable to move about in the land. the unaware
consider them wealthy because of their restraint (from begging).
you shall recognize them by their countenance ö
they do not beg people importunately.
and whatever of good things you give, then allah is all-knowing of it."

in some commentary books such as: tafsir-kabir by fakhr razi,
majma`-ul-bayan, and tafsir-il-gurtubi, it is cited that this verse has
been revealed about the companions of the ledge. they were about
four hundred people who had emigrated to medina. since they had not
any house and familiars there, they used to live on a large platform in a
corner of the prophet's mosque. they were always ready for (jihad),
struggle in the way of allah.

1. there is a portion for the indigents in the wealth of the rich.

" (charity is) for the poor..."

2. the martial-blow groups, devotees in force bases, shelterless
emigrants and, on the whole, all those who are besieged in the way of
allah and have not the opportunity of trying to earn the living should
be taken into necessary consideration. the scientific missions,
diplomatic corps, and research centers are in the similar condition, too.

" (charity is) for the poor who are restrained in the way of allah,
and are unable to move about in the land...."

3. those who are able to earn their living by travelling about
should not stay and abide in one land waiting for the charity of others.

"... and are unable to move about in the land...."

4. the immaculate, pious and respectable poor ones are praised
by allah (s.w.t).

5. the gentle-looking and undistinguished needy ones have

"... the unaware consider them wealthy because of their restraint
(from begging). you shall recognize them by their countenance: ö ..."

6. they do not insist on begging from other people even when
there comes forth a necessity for them.

"... they do not beg people importunately..."

7. the feature of the indigent persons is illustrated, in this verse;
and in the final sentence, people are encouraged to spending out good

"... and whatever of good things you give, then allah is all-knowing of it."

8. it is not just that some people devote their selves and what
they have in the cause of allah while some others impose insularity
even in giving charity in that way.