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270. " and whatever you spend in charity, or (whatever) vow you vow, surely
allah knows it. while, there will be no helpers for the unjust."

271. " if you give alms openly, it is well; but if you hide it and give it to the
poor, it is better for you, and it will remove from you some of your sins;
and allah is aware of what you do."


" and whatever you spend in charity,..."

spending in charity, here, means whatever you spend in the way
of allah or in the way of satan.

"... or (whatever) vow you vow,..."

or, whatsoever you have made obligatory to yourself by the way
of vow, whether it be alongside the path of obedience of allah or for
committing sins, he knows it.

"... surely allah knows it. ... "

verily, your deed is not concealed to allah, and he will reward
you according to it.

"... while, there will be no helpers for the unjust."

the objective meaning of `unjust' here, is those who spend their
wealth in the way of disobedience of allah and committing sins. they
do not give the alms of their property; or do not fulfil what they have
vowed; or they vow to do that which is sin. for such people, there will
be no friend who can save them from the divine judgment or prevent
his punishment.

* * * *

" if you give alms openly, it is well; but if you hide it and give it to the
poor, it is better for you, and it will remove from you some of your sins;
and allah is aware of what you do."

that is, if you give your alms hiddenly to the indigents `it is better
for you',
viz., giving alms hiddenly is better for you: and its due reward is
better and more. the purpose of alms that the concealment of which is
better is the recommended alms, because making the obligatory alms
manifest is more reasonable.