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269. " he grants wisdom to whom he wills, and
whoever has been granted wisdom, indeed has been given abundant good;
yet no one will mind but the possessors of intellects."

the qur'anic term /h¤ikmat/, here, has been rendered, into the
sense of ` knowledge, the cognition of secrects, awareness of facts, and
reaching to reality '. allah bestows it upon some persons for the sake
of their piety, purity and their strive. they recognize the difference
between the satanic temptations and godly inspirations, false and true.
none can benefit from this privilege, which is abundant good, save those
who possess proper intelligence.

" he grants wisdom to whom he wills, and whoever has been granted
wisdom, indeed has been given abundant good; yet no one will mind but
the possessors of intellects."

the arabic term /'albab/ is the plural form of /lubb / in the sense
of `heart, love, intellect, and understanding'. every man of wisdom is not
counted among /'ulul 'albab/, because this title is termed for only those
men of understanding who utilize their intellect definitely to find out
the path of real happiness in their lives.

however, imam sadiq (a.s.) in a tradition has said that /h¤ikmat/ is
`knowledge and becoming learned in religion'; while another tradition
indicates that / hikmat / is obedience to allah and knowing imam.

1 bihar-ul-anwar, vol. 24, p. 86