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262. " those who spend their property in the way of allah, (and) thereafter,
do not follow up what they have spent by reproach and with injury,
for them shall be their reward with their lord,
and no fear shall be upon them, nor shall they grieve. "


a worthy charity!
in the previous verse, the importance of charity in the way of
allah was pointed out in general. here, in this verse, some of its
qualities are stated, too. it says:

" those who spend their property in the way of allah, (and) thereafter,
do not follow up what they have spent by reproach and with injury,
for them shall be their reward with their lord, ..."

besides the above mentioned priviledge, this quality is in them
again, that:

"... and no fear shall be upon them, nor shall they grieve. "

therefore, those who spend some of their property in the way of
allah, but after that benevolent action, they reproach or do something
that cause injury, they destroy their reward, indeed, with this reprobated

it can also be said that such persons, in many cases, not only are
not good doers, but also are some transgressors, because the honour of
a man and his psychological social capitals are often surely more
valuable than property and wealth.

the qur'anic holy phrase:
"...for them shall be their reward with
their lord; "
makes the givers of charity sure that their reward is
reserved with their lord in order that they go forth with a good
amount of certainty along this path.

more than that, the application of the qur'anic term /rabbihim/
(their lord) in the verse, is a hint to this meaning that their lord trains
them and will multiply it.