Sura An-Nisa, (the Women)

Introduction to the Sura
The Virtue of Studying this Sura 
Section One , Responsibilities of the guardians of orphans
Arabic-English version of verse 1
Commentary : verse 1

Occasion of Revelation verse 2
Commentary : verse 2

Commentary : verse 3
Commentary : verse 4
Commentary : verse 5
Commentary : verse 6
Commentary : verse 7
Commentary : verse 8
Commentary : verse 9
Commentary : verse10
Commentary : verse 11
Arabic-English version of verse 12
Commentary : verse 12
Inheritance of spouses from each other
Commentary : verse 13
Commentary : verse 14
Section 3 , Dealing with Women
Commentary : verse 15

Commentary : verse 16
Commentary : verse 17
Commentary : verse 18
Commentary : verse 19
Commentary : verse 20
Commentary : verse 21
Commentary : verse 22
Section 4 , Women who may be taken in wedlock 
Arabic-English version ofverse 23
Commentary : verse 23

part five

Commentary verse24 
Marrying Woman Who has husband is unlawful

Commentary verse25 
The conditionas of marrying the slave - women 

Section 5: Woman's rights over her property
Commentary verse26 
What are these limitation for?

Commentary verse27

Commentary verse28

Commentary verse29

Commentary verse30
The meaning of the Arabic words /udwan/and/zulm

Commentary verse31
 The total nuber of major sins

Occasion of revelation verse 32
Commentary verse32

Commentary verse33 

Section 6:Disagreement and reconcilation between husband & wife
Commentary verse34
Guardianship in the system of a family

Commentary verse35 
The family peace- court

Commentary verse36
Commentary verse37
Hypocritical and Godly charities

 Commentary verse38

Commentary verse39
Commentary verse40
Why does allah not do injustic?

Commentary verse41

Commentary verse42

Section 7: cleanliness external and internal

Commentary verse43
A few legal ordinances
Dry ablution for the excused

Commentary verse44
Commentary verse45
Commentary verse46
Commentary verse47
The people of Sabbath

Commentary verse48

Commentary verse49
Commentary verse50
Section8 :Leaning to injustice and evil to be aboided
Commentary verse51

Commentary verse52
Commentary verse53
Commentary verse54
Commentary verse55
Commentary verse56

Commentary verse57 
Occasion of revelatin verse 58
Commentary verse58

Commentary verse59
Who are 'Those charged with Authority'?

Section 9:Hypocrites refuse to acceop the Messenger's judgement
Commentary verse60

Commentary verse61

Commentary verse62

Commentary verse63
Commentary verse64
Occasion of revelatin verse 65
Commentary verse65

Commentary verse66
Commentary verse 67-68
Occasion of revelatin verse 69
Commentary verse 69-70

Section 10: Believers to be cautioned Commentary verse71

Commentary verse72
Commentary verse73
Commentary verse74
Commentary verse75 
seeing assistance through human affections
Commentary verse76

Section 11: The Hypocrites' attitude towards believers
Occasion of revelatin verse 77
Commentary verse77 
Those who only talk!

Commentary verse78
Commentary verse79
Commentary verse80 
Parctice of the Prophet is Just like the relevation of Allah

Commentary verse81
Commentary verse82
Commentary verse83
Commentary verse84
Commentary verse85
Commentary verse86 
The Objective meaning of ' tahiyyat'

Commentary verse87 
Unity and Resurrection relate to each other

Section 12: Dealing with hypocrites
Occasion of revelatin verse 88
Commentary verse88 
Effcts of one'sdeeds do not separate From him

Commentary verse89
Commentary verse90 
Islam is based on peace

Commentary verse91 
Muslims should know their different kinds of enemies
Section 13: Homicide and its punishment
Occasion of revelatin verse 92
Commentary verse92 
Some Ordinances upon manslaughter

Commentary verse93

Occasion of revelatin verse 94
Commentary verse94

Commentary verse95
Commentary verse96
Section 14:Believers remainig with the enemy
Commentary verse97

Commentary verse98
Commentary verse99 
Occasion of revelatin verse100
Commentary verse100 
Emigration, an Islamic constructive instruction

Section 15:To cut short prayer while travelling
Commentary verse101

Commentary verse102 
due to your establishing Prayer and the attach of enemy, take your precautions

Commentary verse103
The importance of prayers, a commandment
Occasion of revelatin verse 104
Commentary verse104 

Commentary verse105
Section 16: Not to side the dishonest
Commentary verse106

Commentary verse107
Commentary verse108
Commentary verse109
Commentary verse110
Commentary verse111
Commentary verse112 
Calumny is a crime

Section 17:secret counselfs of the Hypocrites
Commentary verse113

Commentary verse114
Commentary verse115
Section 18:Idolatry is Prohibited
Commentary verse116

Commentary verse117
Commentary verse118
Commentary verse119
Commentary verse120
Commentary verse121
Commentary verse122
Commentary verse123
Commentary verse124
Commentary verse125
Commentary verse126
Section 19:Dealing with orphans and women
Commentary verse127

Commentary verse128
Commentary verse129 
Heavenly law has no contradiction with natural disposition

Commentary verse130
Commentary verse131
Commentary verse132
Commentary verse133
Commentary verse134
section 20:Equity to everone - the jewish hypocrisy condmend

Commentary verse135 
Social Justice

Commentary verse136
Commentary verse137
Commentary verse138
Commentary verse139
Commentary verse140

Commentary verse141 
The Qualities of Hypocrites

Section 21: fate of the Hypocrites

Commentary verse142
Commentary verse143
Commentary verse144

Commentary verse145
Commentary verse146
Commentary verse147

Part 6

Commentary verse148
Commentary verse149
Commentary verse 150-151
Commentary verse152
Section 22:violation of the covenat by the jews
Commentary verse153

Commentary verse154
Commentary verse155
Commentary verse156
Commentary verse 157-158
Commentary verse159
Commentary verse160

Commentary verse161
Commentary verse162
Section 23:The Qur'an testified in the previous SCriptures
Commentary verse163

Commentary verse164
Commentary verse165
Commentary verse166
Commentary verse 167-168-169
Commentary verse170
Commentary verse171
Section 24: Messangership of jesus - law of Inheritance
Commentary verse172

Commentary verse173
Commentary verse174

Commentary verse175 
Occasion of revelation verse 176
Commentary verse176