6. " and do test the orphans until they reach the age of marriage.
then, if you find in them maturity, make over to them their property and
do not consume it wastefully and hastily lest they should grow up;
and whoever (of the guardians) is rich, let him abstain (from taking something
of the property of the orphans) and whoever is poor, let him devour reasonably.
then, when you make over to them their property, take witnesses over them;
and allah is enough as a reckoner."

another instruction has been given in this verse about the orphans
and the fate of their property. it begins thus:

" and do test the orphans until they reach the age of marriage...."

then, it continues saying that, at this time, if you find enough
maturity in them that they are able to run their affairs upon their own
property, return it to them. it says:

"... then, if you find in them maturity, make over to them their property..."

here, it remarks to the guardians again that they should not devour
the property belonging to the orphans wastefully before the orphans grow
up. it says:

"... and do not consume it wastefully and hastily lest they should
grow up; ..."

another matter is that if the guardians of the orphans are rich, they
must never take anything, under any plea, from the property of the
orphans. but if they are poor, for the labours they bear to protect orphans'
properties, they, observing justice, can only take their recompenses from
those properties. here is the concerning statement:

"... and whoever (of the guardians) is rich, let him abstain (from taking
something of the property of the orphans) and whoever is poor, let him
devour reasonably...."

then, it refers to the last ordinance of this group of ordinances about
the guardians of the orphans. it orders that when you want to deliver their
property to them, to avoid any accusation or any conflict, take witnesses. it
says thus:

"... then, when you make over to them their property, take witnesses over
them; ..."

at the end of the verse it remarks that you must know that the real
reckoner is allah and the most important thing is this fact that your
account is clear with him. so, if you commit any treachery, which is
concealed to the witnesses, he will reckon it. therefore, it says:

"... and allah is enough as a reckoner."