7. " men shall have a portion of whatever the parents
and the near relatives leave,
and women shall have a portion of whatever the parents
and the near relatives leave,
be it little or much, (it is) a decreed portion."

occasion of revelation:
one of the companians of the prophet (p.b.u.h.) passed away. his
cousins divided his wealth among themselves though he had left some small
children, and they gave nothing of it to his wife and children. according to
their custom, affected from the age of ignorance, they believed that only
those were inheritors who had the power of fighting. then, responding to
the grievance of the wife of that man and receiving the divine revelation of
the above verse, the messenger of allah (p.b.u.h.) called the above
mentioned cousins and told them to return the properties to the principle

1. in the law of islam, not only men but also women have the right of
inheritance, and the religion of islam is the protector of the rights of
women, too.

" men shall have a portion of whatever the parents and the near
relatives leave, and women shall have a portion of whatever the parents and
the near relatives leave, ..."

2. in this religion, division of inheritance basing on the power and
ability of fighting is forbidden.

3. the principal is the justly division of inheritance, not its amount.

"... be it little or much, ..."

4. the standard of the portion of inheritance is invariable.

"... (it is) a decreed portion."