10. " verily; those who devour the properties of the orphans unjustly,
certainly they swallow fire into their bellies, and they shall enter the
burning fire."

in tafsir al-mizan, this verse has been taken as an evidence for the
embodiment of deeds in hereafter.
1 devouring the property of the orphan
will turn to fire on resurrection day.

devouring the property of the orphan is unlawful when it is done
unjustly and with transgression. else, the usual holding familiar
intercourse, which does not cause a loss or damage to the orphans and
there is not any evil intention towards devouring their property, is
admissible. the qur'an says:

"... they are your brothers. and allah knows well the mischief-maker from
the peace-maker; ..."

the apparent shape, here, is devouring the property of the orphan,
but the real feature of it will be made manifest in the form of fire in the

* * * *
hereafter.section 2

law of inheritance

1 al-mizan, commentary, vol. 4, p. 336 (persian version)
2 sura al-baqarah, no. 2, verse 220