
Page 102 of Thawab al-A'mal details the rewards of the lucky ones who are blessed with reciting this Sura. Ibn al-Bataini quotes Sandal quoting Harun ibn Kharija quoting Abu Abdullah Imam Ja'fer al- Sadiq (as) saying: "Whoever memorizes this Sura will be granted by Allah dignity in this life and the life to come; He will be honored even if he has neither wealth nor populous lineage, and everyone will be in awe of him; He will prohibit hell from touching him and build him in Paradise a thousand cities, in each one of which will be a thousand mansions, each containing a hundred luzris. In addition, he will have two flowing fountains and two springs as well as two other ones in two gardens with dark-green foliage and other huns in pavilions confining their looks only to him, and he will have two pairs of each of the fruit trees (of Paradise)."