
Ahmed ibn Idris quotes al-Ash'ari who quotes Muhammad ibn Hassan quoting Ibn Mahran quoting al-Bataini quoting Ibn al-'Alaa quoting Imam Ja'fer al-Sadiq (as) as saying that whoever recites it on a Friday will be protected from all worldly evils, sustained in the life of this world with the most generous portion of sustenance, and Allah will not let his wealth, or offspring, or body be affected by the mischief of any accursed Satan. Furthermore if he dies that day or night, he will die as a martyr and will be admitted into Paradise in the company of the martyrs and in their level of Paradise. He (as), as stated on p. 419 of al-Tibrisi's Makanm al-Akhlaq, is quoted as saying that this Chapter is recited by those who seek dignity in the life of this world and the life to come. The same is stated on p. 296, Vol. 89, of al-Majlisi's Bihar al-Anwar. Truly lucky are those blessed with reciting this glorious Chapter of the Holy Qur'an on a continuous basis for they will be honored in this life and the life to come. May Allah Ta'ala make us among them, Allahomma Aameen.