The Teachings of the qur'an

the universal import of the qur'an

The Qur'an is not directed towards any one particular nation, such as the Arabs, or to a particular sect of Muslims, but to non-Islamic societies as well as the Muslim nation as a whole. There are numerous references to non-believers and idol- worshippers, to the People of the Book (namely, the Jews, or the Tribe of Israel, and the Christians), exhorting each one to strive towards a true understanding of the qur'an and of islam.
The Qur'an calls each group to Islam by providing proofs and never stipulates that they be of arab stock. referring to idol-worshippers, god says, "if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due then they are your brothers in religion " [ix:11].
Likewise, God talks about the People of the Book, (Jews, Christians and we include here the Zoroastrians), without referring to them as Arabs: Say O People of the Book come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but God and that we shall ascribe no partners to Him and that none of us shall take others for lords beside god [iii:64].
It is true that before Islam spread beyond the Arabian peninsula, Qur'anic injunctions were obviously directed towards the Arab nation. From the sixth year after the hijrah (the migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina), when the din of Islam was being propagated beyond the peninsula, there are references which demonstrate that the Qur'an is addressing itself to mankind in general; nor example, in VI:19, "this Qur'an has been revealed to me that I may warn you and whomever it may reach," and in LXVIII:52 god says, "it is nothing else but a reminder to the worlds."
we read too in lxxiv:3936, "In truth this is one of the greatest signs, being a warning unto men. "
History has amply demonstrated that Islam has been embraced by a number of leading members of other religions, including the idol-worshippers of Mecca, Jews, Christians and by people from diverse communities, such as salman of persia, suhayb from the roman people, and bilal of ethiopia.