sura balad
(the city)
no. 90 (verses 8-10)

8. "have we not made for him two eyes?"
9. "and a tongue and two lips?"
10."and showed him the two ways (of good and evil)?"

the gifts of eyes, tongue and guidance!
in the former verses the discussion was about the pride and
negligence of neglectful man, but in the following verses, a part of the
greatest material and spiritual gifts of allah to man is described, in
order to break his pride and negligence, on the one hand, and to make
him think about the creator of these gifts, on the other hand; and, for
stirring the sense of gratitude inside his soul, which sends him forth to
the knowledge of allah.

"have we not made for him two eyes?"
* * * *
"and a tongue and two lips?"
* * * *
"and showed him the two ways (of good and evil)?"

thus, in these short sentences, three great material gifts and a
great spiritual gift, all which are from the most important divine gifts.
are pointed out. the gifts of eyes, tongue and lips are on one side, and
the gift of knowledge and guidance is on the other side.
(it should be noted that the term /najd/ originally means `an open
highway' and here /najdayn/, in contrast with /tihamah/ `low land', is to
he understood as 'the two highways (of good and evil').

for the importance of the above gifts it is enough to know that

the eyes are the most important means by which to communicate with
the outside world. the wonder of the eyes is such that makes man
humiliate himself in front of the creator of them.

each of the seven parts of the eye; the sclerotic cornea, choroid,

iris, dermoid, aqueous humor, vitreous humor, and retina has a
wonderful, special and delicate structure in which the laws of light and
mirrors, physically and chemically, are so precisely coordinated that the
most modern cameras are worthless in comparsion to them. in fact, if
there were nothing in the world except man, and of all parts of his body
onlv his eye was studied, its wonders would be enough to recognize the
greatness of the knowledge and power of allah.

next, the tongue is referred to, which is the most important means

of speech, and speech, itself, is the most important means of
communication for human beings. it is with language that humans are
able to convey the experience and information of one nation to another,
or from one generation to another one. if it were not so, man could
never develop so well in knowledge, science, and civilization both in
material and spiritual affairs.

then the lips are mentioned. they have an effective function in

speech because many sounds and phonemes, in language, are produced
by the lips. besides, the lips are useful in eating foods, preserving the
moisture of the mouth, and drinking water. if they were not so, the
function of eating and drinking would be dificult for man, and even his
face, with water flowing out of his mouth and the absence of some
phonemes in his speech, would be in a disgraceful state.

we know that the first steps in learning many facts ara doubled

with the help of eyesight and language.

therefore, the gifts of reasoning and guidance, which are natural

and intellectual, are pointed out. the verse can even cover 'religious
which is introduced by prophets and saints.

in fact, allah has given us eyesight and the light; i.e. guidance, to

use them which enables us to discover what is right and what is wrong
and to know them and, then, we choose between them, ourselves. thus,
if we go the wrong way and stray we deserve the fruits of our decision.

the sentence:
"andshowed him ihe two ways (of good and evil)",
besides stating man's free will, regarding 'his way' denotes that going
the right way is not free from difficulties and toil, as even climbing the
high lands has some difficulties, doing wrong has some troubles, too. so,
man should try to choose the right way.

it is man, himself, who chooses the way for which he can use his

eyes and tongue in a lawful direction or an unlawful one and, then,
follows the good way or the evil one.

that is why the prophet (p.b.u.h.), in a tradition, has said:
told mankind: o children of adam! if your tongue wants to make you
commit in, i have supplied you with two lips to control it, and if your eyes
are going to attract you to something unlawful, two eyelids are with you;
dose them!...

thus, allah has given man the means of controlling these gifts

which is one of the great blessings that he has bestowed on him.

it is noteworthy that in the above verses when speaking of the

tongue, the lips are mentioned but, in talking about the eyes, eyelids are
not referred to. apparently, it is for two reasons: the first is that the
function of the lips in eating drinking and speaking is more important
than the function of the eyelids with the eyes; and the second is that the
ability to control the tongue is more effective than that of the eyes.

1 nur-uth-thaqalayn, vol.5, p. 581