sura fajr
(breakc of dawn)
no. 89(verses 27-30)

27. "(it will be said to some) o, you serene soul!"
28. "come back to your lord well-pleased (with him) and
29. "so enter among my servants,"
30. "and enter into my garden."

o, you possessor of the serene soul!
in contrast to the previous verses about the terrible chastisement
of the transgressors and the lovers of this world in the
hereafter, the
following verses are about the calmness of the righteous on doomsday.
the qur'an addresses them very kindly and says:

"(it will be said to some) o, you serene soul!"

* * * *
"come back to your lord well-pleased (with him) and well-pleasing (him),"

* * * *
"so enter among my servants,"

* * * *

"and enter into my garden."
how interesting and delightful these words are; full of grace
peace, tranquility and confidence!

it is a direct invitation from allah to the souls who are at peace

with confidence, because of their faith.

allah invites them to return to him, to their possessor, and

cherisher. it is an invitation combined with mutual satisfaction; the
satisfaction of the lover with the beloved and the satisfaction of the
beloved lover, the one being worshipped.

consequently, he is being honoured with the crown of servitude

and being placed in a position of high rank by him.

then, he is invited to enter the garden with the words,
'and enter
into my garden'
which denotes that the host is only allah , himself.
what an invitation! what a host! what serenity!

the term /nafs/
`soul', here, means the spirit of man, and the
term /mutmainnah/
'serene' denotes to the peace and rest that is
attained by faith, as the qur'an says: " ... now surely by allah's
remembrance are the hearts confident",
(sura ra'd,no. 13, verse 28).

such a soul is both confident in allah's promises and is sure of

the way he has chosen. he is aware of both excesses and afflictions and
also about the disasters and terrible events of this world, but, has faith in
allah's mercy. the most important point, here, is the soul's
confidence, in that, even in the great horror of the hereafter he is at
peace and rest.

some commentators believe that the objective point of
back to your lord'
'returning to his virtue and mercy', but, it is better
to say `return to him, himself', i.e. , to be placed close to him, which is
a spiritual return not a corporal or spatial one.

does this invitation to return to the lord occur only in the

or at the time of departure of the soul from the body?

the context of the verses, of course, refers to the
hereafter, but
the meaning of the verse, by itself, is broad and general.

the term /radiyah/
`well-pleased' is used, because the soul will
see that all of the promises for the divine rewards are perfectly true and
also so great that they are beyond his imagination. the soul will receive
allah's mercy and grace, so much so that he will become utterly
delighted. and the word /mardiyyah/
`well-pleasing` is used to mean
that 'his deeds' have been contentedly accepted by allah.

such a servant, with these characteristics who has attained the

rank of perfect submission and has reached true servitude which is
donating all for allah's sake, and has joined
`the high ranks', will
certainly have no abode, but heaven.

some commentaries denote that these verses were revealed about

`hamzah, saiyed-ash-shuhada', but regarding the sura, which is
meccan, this attitude is, indeed, a kind of verification, not used for the
occasion of revelation, as it was also mentioned about imam hosain, at
the beginning of the sura.

it is interesting to note that a narration from imam sadiq

(p.b.u.h.) which is cited in `al-kafi' says that one of his companions
asked whether a believer may become discontented when his soul is
being taken. he (p.b.u.h.) replied: "by allah, no! when the angel of
death comes to take his soul the believer shows restlessness and the angel
says: `o, lover of allah! be not upset! by he who has appointed
mohammad (p.b.u.h.) to prophethood, i am more sympathetic to you than a
kind father. look carefully!".
he looks carefully and sees prophet
mohammad, amir -al- mo'mineen ali, fatimah, hasan, hosain and
other imams from their descendents ( the angel tells him to
look and see that they ( are all his friends.
he opens his eyes and watches. a caller from almighty allah
suddenly beckons and says:
"o, you serene soul! come back to your lord
well-pleased (with him) and well-pleasing (him). so enter among my

servants. and enter into my garden ".
at that moment there is nothing
better and more beloved than that his soul separates from his body as
soon as possible and moves unto his lord.

* * * *


o lord! uplift us to such a peace and rest that we can
deserve this beautiful invitation.

o lord! to attain this rank is not possible save by
your grace. please bestow on us your grace and mercy.

o lord! certainly your graciousness will not decrease
if you count us among the possessors of the `serene soul'.
we seek it from you. please cast a favor over us and forgive us.

o lord! we know that this rank is not prepared except
by our remembrance of you. leave us with the success of
this remembrance.

1 ai-kafi, voi. 3, chapter beiievers and the departure of the soul, tradition 2.


the end



sura fajr
(break of down)