sura insan

no. 76 (verses 23-26)

23. "surely we, ourselves, have revealed the holy qur`an to you,
revealing (it) in stages."
24."therefi!re be patient and constant to the command of your lord,
and obey not from among them a guilty or an ungrateful one."
25. "and remember the name of your lord morning and evening,"
26. "and during the night prostrate thyself to him; and glorify'
him (a) long (part of the) night.

five great instructions for the fulfillment of allah`s command.
the aforementioned verses of the sura are about the creation of
man and then about his rebirth at the time of resurrection now, the
verses are referring to the prophet (p.b.u.h.), directly. with some
emphatical instruction about the guidance of man and his patience and
constancy. in fact, these verses show the way of how to approach the
incomparable immense blessings. this task is not possible except
through taking hold of the qur'an, following the prophet's leadership
and being inspired by his instructions.

at first it says:
"surely we, ourselves, have revealed the qur'an to
you, revealing (it) in stages."

some commentators have said that the term "tanzila" `revealing in

stages', which has appeared as a direct object in this verse, denotes the
gradual descent of the holy qur'an, whose effect on man's training is
clear. some others believe that it refers to the high position of this
heavenly book and emphasizes the fact that this book was sent down by
allah, in spite of those who accused the prophet (p.b.u.h.) of being a
necromancer, sorcerer, magician and calumniator of allah.

* * * *

then, there are five important instructions given to the prophet (p.b.u.h.)
the first is for patience and constancy, and says:
"therefore be patient and constant to the command of your lord,..."

don't be afraid of the difficulties and the problems that occur in

your way, the great number of your enemies or their obstinacy.
continue on your way and go forward.

it is noteworthy that, with regard to "f" in the arabic term "fasbir"

`therefore be patient and constant', the instruction for patience is
secondary to the revelation of the qur'an by allah. that is: since
allah is your supporter then do stay firmly on the way. the term
"rabb" 'lord, cherisher' points to the same idea.

and in the second instruction the prophet (p.b.u.h.) is warned not

to listen to or obey the unjust. it says: "...and obey not from among them
a guilty or an ungrateful one."

in fact, the second instruction is an emphasis on the first

instruction, because numerous enemies tried, in different ways. to make
the prophet (p.b.u.h.) adapt to their way of thinking. it is said that
`atabat-ibn-i-rabi'ah' and `walid-ibn-i-muqayyarah' told the prophet (p.b.u.h.)
to leave his prophecy and they would give him as much wealth
and the most beautiful ladies to marry as would satisfy him and other
suggestions like this, hut the prophet (p.b.u.h.) as a true, great leader,
was instructed to he patient and constant against the evil temptations or
the threats. which were made against him. he should not yield to either
the allurements or the threats.

it is true hit the prophet (p.b.u.h.) never yielded, and this is a sign

for the greatness of his faith; an eternal model for other leaders of the way.

although some commentators have said that the term `sinner'

refers to `atabat-ibn-i-rabi'ah' and the term `ungrateful' refers to
`walid-ibn-i-muqayyarah' or `abu jahl; each of whom were among the
pagan arabs, it is clear that the terms have a vast meaning, which
encompasses any sinner and unbeliever; but these three were the most
vivid evidences of the words.

it is also noteworthy that `sinner' has a general meaning which

includes the ungrateful, too, then 'ungrateful' is a subdivision of `sinner'.

* * * *

however, sine e being patient and constant with many great
difficulties is not easy to do and going on such a road needs two certain
provisions, so, it says in the next verse: "and remember the name of your
lord morning and evening."

* * * *

"and during the night prostrate thyself to him; and glorify him (a)
long (part of the) night".

under the light of
`remembering the name of your lord', and with
`prostration and glorification' you can build the necessary spiritual
strength and sufficient support for overcoming the difficulties along the

the term "bukrah"
`beginning of the day' is opposite to the term
"asil" `evening, sunset', which is followed by praying at night and are
mentioned in these two verses to show the necessity of continuous
remembrance of allah both day and night.

some commentators have applied them to the five daily prayers;

morning (fajr), noon (zohr), afternoon (`asr), sunset (maqrib) and
evening (`isha) prayers, or in addition to the optional prayers after
midnight. at any rate, it seems that these prayers are examples for this
`continuous remembrance of the lord and glorification and prostration
to him.

the last two terms in the verse, "laylan tawila", refer to the

glorification of allah for a long part of the night. it has been narrated
that imam ali ibn-musa-ar-reza (p.b.u.h.) was asked what `glorify'
meant and he answered that it meant `optional night prayer'.1

it is probable !hat the above commentary is one of the clear

evidences of `glorification' because the optional night prayer is very
effective in strengthening ones' faith and self-will for obeying allah,
and refining spirits.

* * * *

it is worthy to note, here, that though the five instructions are
addressed to the prophet (p.b.u.h.), they are, in fact, models for all those
who have a role in spiritual and humane guidance of societies.

they should know that, after being sure of their strong belief in

their goal and prophetic mission, it is necessary for them to be patient
and constant and not to be afraid of mass difficulties in their way; since,
guiding populations has always been with great difficulties especially
when faced with some unyielding ignorant enemies. and no prophetic
mission of theirs will survive unless the leaders are patient.

in the next stage, they must strongly stand against evil temptations

of the sinners and the ungrateful; those who try to lead astray leaders
with all kinds of deceit and hypocrisy in order to make their prophetic
mission fruitless. they should neither be deceived by allurements nor
be afraid of threats.

in any case, every morning and evening, they should prostrate

themselves before him to obtain spiritual power, strong will and firm
decision, especially when they get help in their supplications and night
prayers; victory will surely be their own.

and, if it happens that they have a failure or misfortune at some

point, along the way, it is possible to compensate for this under the light
of these principles. the prophet's life and his prophetic mission,
throughout his career of inviting people to islam, are good examples for
those who wish to follow the straight path.

1 majma'-al-bayan, vol.10, p.413.