82. " then whoever turns back after that, ö these are they that are
the transgressors."

in this verse, the qur'an threateningly reproaches the breachers of
promise and says that, after these firm pledges and emphasized promises, if
any one disobeys and turns one's back to a godly prophet, like the prophet
of islam (p.b.u.h.), the glad tidings of whose advent accompanied with his
specialities have been mentioned in the former divine books, and does not
believe, the one is a transgressor, ie. out of the circule of the obedience of
allah (s.w.t.).

" then whoever then turns back after that, ö these are they that are
the transgressors."

and, we know that allah (s.w.t) does not guide such fanatic and
pertinacious transgressors, as the qur'an in sura at-taubah, no. 9, verse 80

so, those who are not guided by the lord will have a painful fate
with the divine punishment of the fire of hell.

1 the verse continues saying: "... and allah does not guide the transgressing people."