81. " and (remember) when allah took the pledge of the prophets
(saying): `since i have given you of book and wisdom ö then there comes to
you a messenger, confirming that which is with you, you must believe in him,
and you must help him '. he said: ` do you affirm and accept my compact in
this (matter) ? ' they said: ` we affirm ', he said:
` then bear witness and i am also with you among the witnesses '."

the holy pledge!

following the previous verses that denoted to the existence of the
clear tokens of the prophet of islam (p.b.u.h.) in the books of the former
prophets, this verse points to a general principal concerning the subject. it

" and (remember) when allah took the pledge of the prophets
(saying): `since i have given you of book and wisdom ö then there comes to
you a messenger, confirming that which is with you, you must believe in him,
and you must help him '. ..."

in the verses of the qur'an the unity of the messengers of allah
repeatedly have been pointed out; and this verse is one of its clear

then, for an emphasis, the quran says:

"... he said: ` do you affirm and accept my compact in
this (matter) ? ' they said: ` we affirm ', he said:
` then bear witness and i am also with you among the witnesses '."