80. " and neither would he enjoin you that you should take the angels
and the prophets for lords. what! would he enjoin you with infidelity after you
have been muslims ? "

this verse is a complementary meaning to what was said in the
previous verse. it indicates that prophets did not invite people to their
worship, nor invited them to worship angels nor other prophets. it says:

" and neither would he enjoin you that you should take the angels
and the prophets for lords. ..."

this sentence, on one side, is a reply to the arab pagans who
considered the angels as the daughters of god and believed a kind of
divinity for them, while they introduced themselves among the followers of
the religion of abraham.

on the other side, it is a respond to sabians who counted themselves
the followers of john, but promoted the rank of the angels to the extent of

it is also an answer to the jews and the christians who introduced
ezra and jesus the son of god.

and, at the end of the verse, the qur'an says:

"... what! would he enjoin you with infidelity after you have been muslims ? "

that is, how is it possible that there comes a prophet and begins
inviting people to faith and monotheism, but afterward he leads them to
the path of polytheism ?

by the way, the verse implies the immaculateness of prophets and
that they did not swerve from the path towards the obedience of allah.

* * * *

section 9
previous scriptures confirms islam