77. " verily those who sell allah's covenant, and their oaths, for a little price,
these! there will be no share for them in the hereafter,
and allah will not speak to them, nor will he look towards them on the day
of resurrection, nor will he make them grow (by purifying of sin),
and they will have a painful chastisement."

allah threatens, of course, those who breach their promise to
following five kinds of divine wrath and deprivation from the grace of

1. the lack of any merit in the hereafter.
2. the deprivation from the speech of allah.
3. the deprivation from the grace of allah.
4. the deprivation of purity from sin.
5. to be involved in the painful punishment of allah.

" verily those who sell allah's covenant, and their oaths, for a little price,
these! there will be no share for them in the hereafter,
and allah will not speak to them, nor will he look towards them on the day
of resurrection, nor will he make them grow (by purifying of sin),
and they will have a painful chastisement."

in the islamic literature, it is narrated that the messenger of allah
(p.b.u.h.) has said:

" the person who does not observe trustworthiness, is faithless; and the
person who does not fulfil his promise, has no religion.

1 maraq­i, commentary, vol. 3 ; p. 192