section 35

attempts to discredit islam

72. " and a group of the people of the book said: ` believe in what has been
sent down to those who believe, at the opening of the day,
and disbelieve at the end of it, perhaps (by this divice) they return
(from islam)."

in the explanation of the occasion of revelation of this verse, it is said
as follows.

once at the time of the prophet (p.b.u.h.), twelve scholars from
jewish people, in order to create a state of agitation and doubtfulness
among the muslim believers, decided to come to meet prophet muhammad
(p.b.u.h.) in the morning and express their belief in islam, but on the same
day in the evening they would turn their backs to islam and say that they
met muhammad (p.b.u.h.) but he was not the same as the torah and
evangel had explained.

by this skilful plan, they wanted to show off the common people that
if islam were a good creed and the former religions confirmed it, the
scholars of the people of the book would not desist from it. applying this
manner, they could create both doubtfulness among muslims and prevent
other jews to embrace islam. but, by revealing this verse, the lord made
their plan manifest to all, saying:

" and a group of the people of the book said: ` believe in what has been
sent down to those who believe, at the opening of the day,
and disbelieve at the end of it, perhaps (by this divice) they return
(from islam)."

1. it is possible that sometimes some individuals penetrate into the
lines of muslims and stab from behind, so we ought to be aware.

2. muslims must not be simple-minded and credulous.

3. we must set our faith so firm that the return of several individuals
does not affect our hearts.

4. in the foreign policy, the motive of holding communication, or
ceasing it, is often to bring some special conditions both inside and outside
the country.

5. it usually happens that, in sensitive stages, allah divulges the
secrets and plans of his enemies.