50. "and (i come) conforming that which is before me of the torah and
to make lawful to you a part of that which has been forbidden unto
you; and i come unto you with a sign from your lord;
therefore, be in awe of allah and obey me."

this verse is also the continuation of the expressions of jesus
(a.s.). in fact, he explains a part of the aims of his appointment to
prophethood. it says:

"and (i come) conforming that which is before me of the torah..."

he said he also came to allow them to use some of the things
which (because of transgression and sin) had become forbidden for
them. (the things were such as the meat of camel, some of animal fats,
some birds, and some kinds of fish.)

" ... and to make lawful to you a part of that which has been
forbidden unto you;..."

then, it adds:

"... and i came unto you with a sign from your lord; ..."

through sura al-'an'am, no 6, verse 146, allah says: "and to
those who were jews we made unlawful every animal having claws, and of
oxen and sheep we made unlawful to them the fat of both, except such as
was on their backs or the entrails or what was mixed with bones: ..."

therefore; may be, those unlawful things which became lawful by jesus
(a.s.) are these very things.

and, at the end of the verse, it concludes thus:

"... therefore, be in awe of allah and obey me."