49. "and (he wilt make jesus) a messenger to the children of israel,
(saying): 'verily, i have come to you with a sign from your lord.
i will make for you like the figure of a bud out of day,
then i will breathe into it,
and it shall become a bird by allah's leave;
and i will (also) heal the blind and
the leprous and wilt raise the dead to life by allah's leave;
and i wilt inform you of what you eat and what you store up
in your houses.
verily in that is a sign for you if you
(indeed) are believers."

this verse points to the miracles of jesus (a.s.). at first it says:

"and (he will make jesus) a messenger to the children of israel. ..."

then, the qur'an continues saying that he was commissioned to
tell people:

"... i have come to you with a sign from your lord. ..."

this sign was not only a single sign but it had also some numerous
branches; thus:

"... i will make for you like the figure of a bird out of clay,
then i wilt breathe into it, and it shall become a bird
by allah's leave;..."

then, it refers to his second miracle and stat! about the
treatment of refractory diseases in some ordinary ways. it says:

"... and l will (also) heal the blind and the leprous..."

no doubt these subjects, specially for the physicians and scholars
of that time, were some undeniable miracles.
in the third stage, it points to another miracle, saying:

"... and will raise the dead to life by allah's leave;..."

this phenomenon is something that is considered among miracles
and extraordinary actions at any time or period. the writer of
majma'-ul-bayan, the commentary, says that jesus (a.s.) raised many
dead persons to life. among them, it happened that he saw a dead was
being carried in a coffin on the shoulders of people. jesus (a.s.) prayed
for the dead one to bring him back to life again when the dead raised to
life and came down from people's shoulder. then he wore clothes and
returned to his home and, later, he got a son.

another time jesus (a.s.) raised a ten-year-old girl to life when it
was one day after her death. she returned home and, after a length of
time, she married and borne an offspring.

these kind of miracles also occurred abundantly by, and at the
time of the prophet of islam (p.b.u.h.) and imam amir-ul-mu'mineen
ali (a.s.) and other imams from ahlul-bayt (a.s.). for example, one day
a man from kufah, an ancient city in mesopotamia, came to hadrat
rida in khorasan, located in the east of iran, and said:

" o' progeny of the messenger of allah! the inhabitants of kufah have seen
many miracles from your ancestor, amir-ul- mu'mineen all (a.s.)
and, now, i ask you to do a miracle so that l can take it
as a present to the people of kufah."

hadrat rida (a.s.), addressing the man, said: " what do you want
that i do ? " " my mother has died,"
the man said: " i ask you to invocate
that allah raises her to life."

imam rida told him:
'return home and you wilt find your mother
when the man reached home in kufah, he found his mother
alive. he announced to people that the happening was the miracle of
imam rida. so, that woman lived for some years after that and finally
she died again.

it is noteworthy that the reason that jesus (a.s.) was given those
kinds of miracle was that at his time the science of medicine had
progressed vastly. so, allah appointed his miracle of the same
knowledge of that time so that jesus (a.s.) could overcome the scientists
and scholars of his time, expert in that field, in order that his
prophethood be proved.

the similar case happened for moses, son of 'imran (a.s.), when
sorcery had gone to its climax and had spread very vastly. allah gave
him the miracle of rod to nullify their magics, and made the sorcerers
unable to bring something like that.

the knowledge and art of the people at the time of our prophet,
muhammad mustafa (p.b.u.h.), was rhetorics and elegance. therefore,
allah manifested the miracle of the qur'an to them: the surprising
tone and the wonders of statements, and the marvellous style of the
word of allah, all of which made those people unable to bring the like
of it.

however, in the fourth stage, it refers to the hidden secrets of
people. usually everybody has some personal affairs in his i her life that
are mysteries and others rarely know them, but jesus (a.s.) said:

" ... and i will in form you of what you eat and what you store up
in your houses ..."

at the end, the verse, referring to all of these four divine miracles,

"...verily in that is a sign for you if you (indeed) are believers."

it is understood from the content of the above mentioned verse,
as well as the similar verses of this sense in the qur'an, that the saints
and messengers of allah can, by his leave, interfere in the world of
nature and creation, when it is necessary. they can cause some
incidents to happen which are extraordinary and different from the
natural process of the current affairs. this matter is something higher
than mastership /wilayah/ (in religion, i.e. guardianship over people),
which, in islamic literature, idiomatically is called: /wilayat takwini/, i.e.
(genetic authority).

1 majma'-ul-bayan, vol. 2, p. 446
2'ithbat-ul-huda, vol. 6, p. 149 (persian version)