29. " say: ` whether you hide what is in your hearts, or manifest it,
allah knows it, and (also) he knows whatever is in the
heavens and whatever is in the earth,
and allah is all-powerful over all things '."

next to the verse of concealment of faith, the above mentioned
holy verse, maybe, refers to the idea that muslims should never
communicate with disbelievers under the shelter of cocealment of faith,
where the lord knows all decisions and intentions.

1. this verse is a warning to those who try to communicate with
the disbelievers under the excuse of concealment of faith.

" say: ` whether you hide what is in your hearts, or manifest it,
allah knows it, ..."

2. allah is aware of whatever deed we do.

3. the lord is aware even of our intentions.

4. allah's knowledge encompasses the things hidden and the
things manifest similarly. he knows whatever is in the earth and
whatever is in the heavens.

"... and (also) he knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever
is in the earth, ..."

5. allah is both knower of thoughts of human beings and is
all-powerful over all things. that is, in a moment, he is able to make
infamous all those who do evil.

"... and allah is all-powerful over all things '."

6. what can be concealed from the one who is omnipotent and
knows all the secrets of heavens?

"...he knows whatever is in the heavens ..."