195. " so their lord responded their prayer, (saying):
` i will not waste the work of any worker among you, whether male or female,
the one of you being from the other.
so, those who migrated and were driven out of their homes
and suffered hurt in my way, and who fought and were killed,
i will certainly cover their evil deeds,
and i will certainly make them enter into gardens beneath which rivers flow,
as a reward from allah;
and allah! with him (only) is the fairest reward."

the content of this verse follows the subject of the previous verses. it
is about the people of understanding, the possessors of intellects, and the
result of their deeds.

upon the occasion of the revelation of this verse, it is said that once
` umm-us- salamah ' (one of the prophet's wives) asked the messenger of
allah (p.b.u.h.) that there are many statements mentioned in the qur'an
about holy war, immigration, and self-sacrifice of men, but do women have
a share in them, too ? the verse was revealed and their lord answered
this question as such:

" so their lord responded their prayer, (saying): ` i will not waste the work of
any worker among you, whether male or female, ..."

there are some unawere people among non-muslims that sometimes
accuse islam by saying that islam is the religion of males, not females.
here, this statement makes it clear that how far such people are from the

through the next words, the verse indicates that in the process of
creation all human beings relate to each other, because some of them have
been born from some others, ie, women have been created from men and
men from women.

"... the one of you from the other. ..."

in the continuation of the verse, it concludes that:

"... so, those who migrated and were driven out of their homes and suffered
hurt in my way, and who fought and were killed, i will certainly cover their
evil deeds, ..."

then, the qur'an adds that besides forgiving their sins they will
certainly be placed in heaven containing of various bounties. it says:

"... and i will certainly make them enter into gardens beneath which
rivers flow, ..."

this is a reward bestowed by allah which is given to them, for their
self-sacrifice, and it is, of course, of the best rewards. it says:

"... as a reward from allah; and allah! with him (only) is the
fairest reward."

this part of the verse is a hint to the fact that the godly rewards are
not fully and completely recognized by the people in this world, but they
ought to know that allah's reward is higher and more significant than any
other rewards.