187. " and (remember) when allah took a pledge from those who were given the
book (saying): ` you shall certainly make it known to people and
you shall not hide it '. but they cast it behind their backs and took a
small price for it , then, how bad is what they purchase."

the reason that there are many millions of the christians, the jews,
and the zoroastrians throughout the world is totally for the sake of
inopportune silence of their learned people. according to the commentary
of at¤yab-ul-bayan, there are more than sixty occurrences in the new
testament and old testament where the glad tidings of islam and the
prophet (p.b.u.h.) is refferred to, but the learned persons of the people of
the book have left all of them away. the sin of concealment is so
important that allah has used such a meaning for its retribution that he
has applied for no other sin. the concerning verse says:
"... they are those
that allah does curse them and (also) curse them (all) those who curse (such


1. whatever concealment that causes people to remain in paganism,
infidelity, ignorance and corruption is a great sin, and the concealer has a
share in the sin of people.

2. the motive of the annihilating silences are usually obtaining
wealth or social rank and or protecting it.

"... and took a small price for it, then, how bad is what they purchase."

3. the learned persons are responsible for their people.

4. the statement and exhibition of facts must be done in a way that
nothing be concealed for people.

" and (remember) when allah took a pledge from those who were given the
book (saying): ` you shall certainly make it known to people and
you shall not hide it '. but they cast it behind their backs, ..."

5. mere knowledge is not enough for attaining prosperity and
felicity. piety and appropriate heedlessness to the worldly wealth and social
rank is necessary, too.

1 sura al-baqarah, no. 2, verse 159