163. " they are of (varying) ranks with allah; and allah sees what they do."

some verses of the qur'an indicate that there are different degrees
for the people. for example, sura al-anfal, no. 8, verse 4 says:
"... they
shall have from their lord exalted grades..."
or, sura t¤aha, no 20, verse 75
"... these it is who shall have the high ranks."

in this verse the persons themselves are rendered into `ranks'. it is
similar to the meaning that a human being should act according to the
scale, but later he himself becomes a scale. or, another example is that: at
first man is
` praiser of allah ', /thakir/, but later he himself becomes
`reminder', /thikr/, in a way that his remembrance causes hearts to be in
peace. at first, he turns around the axis, but, later, he himself becomes the
axis of the truth.

" they are of (varying) ranks with allah;
and allah sees what they do."