159. " thus, it is due to the mercy from allah that you have been lenient with
them, and had you been rough, hard hearted, they would certainly have
dispersed from around you. therefore, pardon them and
seek forgiveness for them; and consult with them in the affair.
so, when you have decided, then trust in allah; (for) verily allah loves those
who trust (in him)."

the content of the verse works as some general instructions, but the
revelation of the verse is about the battle of 'uhud. the muslims who had
ran away in the battle of `uh¤ud, and were defeated, were burning in the
fire of regret, remorse and sorrow. they gathered around the prophet
(p.b.u.h.) and apologized. then, the lord issued the command of their
general pardon by this verse.

1. lenience is a gift from allah. thus, those who have not lenience
are deprived from this bounty.

" thus, it is due to the mercy from allah that you have been
lenient with them, ..."

2. the hard-hearted and strict people cannot have etiquette with

"... and had you been rough, hard hearted, they would certainly have
dispersed from around you. ..."

3. a fruitful and proper leadership and administrationship is always
accompanied with attraction and affection.

4. attract those defeated in war and modest sinners.

"... therefore, pardon them and seek forgiveness for them;
and consult with them in the affair...."

5. inside consultation, there lie: sympathy, development of talents,
recognition of friends from enemies, selecting the best attitude, creation of
kindness and love, and a practical lesson for others.

6. you may pardon them for the injustice they treated to you, and
for the sin they committed with respect to allah, seek forgiveness from
allah for them and keep them in the scene by consulting with them in the
political, social affairs.

7. beside contemplation and consultation, do not forget to trust in

"... so, when you have decided, then trust in allah; ..."

8. consultation and reliance in allah are beloved with him,
whether we attain the aim or not.

"... (for) verily allah loves those who trust (in him). "

9. in administrationship once lenience is needed, like this verse:

"... pardon them...", while in another occasion intensity and severity is
"... and be hard against them ..." 1

1 sura al-tahrim, no. 66, verse 9