155. " verily those of you who turned back on the day (of `uhud) when both
troops met, only satan made them slip because of something they earned;
and certainly allah has pardoned them; surely allah is
forgiving, forbearing."

this verse is about the escape of the muslims from the battle of
'uhud. as most commentary books denote, in the battle of 'uhud all
strivers flew except thirteen ones. five people of them were from
emigrants (muhajirin) and eight people from helpers /'ans¤ar/. the
opinions are devided as for the names of these thirteen people that who
they were, except ali-ibn-abit¤alib (a.s.).

however, in the battle of 'uhud, the muslims were divided into four
groups: 1. martyrs; 2. the patients; 3. the fugitives, who were forgiven;
4.the hypocrites.

1. sin clears the field for the temptations of satan.

"... only satan made them slip because of something they earned; ..."

2. one of the reasons of escaping from fight is sin. sin tears the
curtain of piety and weakens the spirit of man and, then, paves the way for
the influence of satan.

3. deeds effect on spiritualities. as a result of sins, some persons
become coward and ran away.

4. strivers should set themselves in the course of repentance, seeking
forgiveness and self-improvement.