154. " then, after that grief, he sent down security upon you (in the form of)
slumber coming upon a group of you, while another group have cared only for
their own selves, thinking about allah unjustly, the thought of ignorance.
they say: ` is there anything for us in the authority ? ' say: ` verily the
authority belongs to allah entirely '. they hide within themselves what they
show not to you, saying: ` had we had a part in the authority,
we would not have been slain here '. say: ` even if you were in your own
homes, those for whom slaughter was ordained would certainly have gone forth
to their deathbeds; and that allah might try what was in your breasts
and that he might purge what was in your hearts;
and allah is aware of what is in the breasts."

the night following the battle of 'uhud was a dreadful night, full of
anxiety and fear. the muslims anticipated that the victorious soldiers of
quraysh would return to medina again. at this time the true strivers and
the repentants who had regreted from their escape in 'uh¤ud, trusted to the
grace of allah and were assured of the promises of the prophet
(p.b.u.h.). the verse under discussion explains the event of that night. it
denotes that after those heavy grieves and sorrows of the day of 'uh¤ud, he
sent down peace and security on them. it says:

" then, after that grief, he sent down security upon you, ..."

this peace was the very light sleep that fell on a group of them, but
there were some others who thought of their own selves and cared nothing
except their own rescue. that was why they lost the security given to them
totally. it says:

"... (in the form of) slumber coming upon a group of you; while another
group have cared only for their own selves, ..."

then it pays to the explanation of the talks and thoughts of
hypocrites and those whose faith was not so firm and who sat up that night.
they imagined something wrong about allah, similar to the thoughts of
the age of ignorance which existed before islam. they had in their minds
that the prophet's promises were probably lies.

"... thinking about allah unjustly, the thought of ignorance, ..."

they said to each other among themselves whether it was possible,
with that horrible circumstance they saw, that they overcame. it says:

"... they say: ` is there anything for us in the authority ? '..."

that is, it is quitely impossible. but the qur'an, in answer to them,
says: yes, triumph is in the hand of allah and if he wills, and finds you
eligible for it, he will grant it to you.

"... say: ` verily the authority belongs to allah entirely.'..."

the verse indicates that they conceal some affairs in their hearts and
they do not make them manifest for you.

"... they hide within themselves what they show not to you,..."

it seemed they thought the failure in `uhud was the sign that the
religion of islam was not right. therefore, they said if they had been right
and had a share of triumph, they would not have given so many slains in
that battle. it says:

"... saying: ` had we had a part in the authority, we would not have been
slain here.' "

in answer to them, allah points to two subjects. it says:

"... say: ` even if you were in your own homes, those for whom slaughter
was ordained would certainly have gone forth to their deathbeds;..."

another subject is that these events should come forth in order that
the lord try what they had in their hearts and that the rows be recognized.
moreover, in this course, individuals might be gradually trained, and their
intentions be purified, their faith be firmed, and their hearts be purged
from evils.

"... and that allah might try what was in your breasts and that he might
purge what was in your hearts; ..."

at the end of the verse, it says:

"... and allah is aware of what is in the breasts."

and it is for the very reason that allah does not reckon only the
deeds of people, but he wants to try their hearts, too, and purify them
from dirt of polytheism, hypocrisy, and doubt.