151. " we shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, for
that they have associated with allah for which he has sent down no authority,
and their abode is the fire;
and how bad is the abode of the unjust! "

in this verse, it points to the marvellous security of muslims after the
battle of 'uh¤ud. it says:

" we shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. ..."

that is, we do the same as you saw the example of it at the end of
the battle of 'uhud.
in the second sentence of the verse, the reason of casting fear into
the hearts of the disbelievers is stated such:

"... for that they have associated with allah for which he has sent down no

finally, at the end of the verse, it has pointed out to the end of these
people. it indicates that such people have done injustice to themselve and
to their society; that is why:

"... and their abode is the fire;
and how bad is the abode of the unjust! "