14. " the love of desires (that come) from women, and of offsring,
and heaped-up hoards of gold and silver and well-bred branded horses and
cattle and tilth, is made to seem fair to mankind.
this is the provision of the life of this world, while
allah is he with whom is the good resort."

the arabic term /qanatir/ is the plural form of /qintar/ which in
the qur'anic glossary means ` heap of talent ' or, here, ` abundaut
wealth '. the word / muqantarah /, from the same root, has been added
after that for additional, emphasis.

the term /xayl/, applied in this verse, means `horse' and a `riding
horse'. and the word /musawwamah/ means `branded', viz. the horses
that possessed special prominces. that speciality was because of the
beauty of their stature and or the kind of training they had gotten.
those horses were called `well-bred branded horses'.

" the love of desires (that come) from women, and of offsring,
and heaped-up hoards of gold and silver and well-bred branded horses and
cattle and tilth, is made to seem fair to mankind. ..."

things being seemed fair to mankind may sometimes be done by
the means of imaginations, sometimes by satan, and sometimes by
flattering people in around.

the attractive examples mentioned in the verse are those in
regard of the time of the revelation. they can have some new and
different examples in every period.

"...this is the provision of the life of this world, while
allah is he with whom is the good resort."