126. " and allah did not make it (the descending of angels) but as good
tidings for you, and to reassure your hearts thereby;
and there is no victory save from allah,
the mighty, the wise."

1. in battlefields, peacefulness and good news are of the necessities
of the fighting believers.

" and allah did not make it (the descend of angels) but as good tidings for you,
and to reassure your hearts thereby;..."

2. the entire preparations of men including material, scientifical,
psychological, and invisible affairs, without the will of allah (s.w.t.), are

"... and there is no victory save from allah, the mighty, the wise."

3. glory and power of allah are accompanied with his wisdom. (it
is possible, of course, that under some particular reasons muslims also be
defeated in some instances. yes, the helps of allah depend on his