120. " if any good befalls you, it grieves them; and if an evil afflicts you,
they delight in it;
but if you are patient and be pious, their plotting will not harm you in any way;
surely allah encompasses what they do."

in this verse one of the signs of their grudge and enmity is stated. it
indicates that if a victory or a happy incident comes forth for you, those
groups of the people of the book will become inconvenient, but if an evil
incident happens against you, they will become happy.

" if any good befalls you, it grieves them; and if an evil afflicts you,
they delight in it;..."

but if you persevere against their hostilities and, in the meantime,
you observe piety and patience, they cannot harm you by their treacherous
plans, because allah quitely encompasses whatever they do.

"... but if you are patient and be pious, their plotting will not harm you in
any way; surely allah encompasses what they do."