section 11

102. " o' you who have faith! be in awe of allah as it is due to him:
and do not die unless you are muslims."

any perfection such as faith, knowledge and piety has stages. there
are elementary stages and the stages higher than that up to the absolute
perfection. for instance, we recite the qur'an where it says:
" o' lord!
increase me my knowledge! "
1 or in makarim-ul-akhlaq, the supplication,
we, asking the lord, recite:
" o' lord! expand my faith to a perfect faith." 2
and, in the above mentioned verse we recite:
"... be in awe of allah as it is
due to him...".
imam sadiq (a.s.) in this regard, says: " the due piety is in the
fact that allah be obeyed and not to be disobeyed; to be remembered and not to
be forgotten, and to be thanked with no ingratitude,"
3 this shows that there
are some stages and steps in piety.

1. every day we must promote to a higher stage.

" o' you who have faith! be in awe of allah as it is due to him:..."

2. mere belief is not enough, but to remain faithful is the condition.
beginning is not so important while the ending is more important.

"... and do not die unless you are muslims. "

3. islam not only teaches us how to live, but also teaches us how to

4. piety is the only key to the goodness of destiny.

1 the qur'an, sura taha, no. 20, verse 114
2 sahifah sajjadiyyah, makarim-ul-akhlaq, by imam sajjad (a.s.).
3 bihar-ul-anwar, vol. 70, p. 292