44. " do you enjoin righteousness upon people while you forget
your own selves (to practice it)?
and you read the scripture? have you then no sense? "

commentary :

this verse is apparently addressing and scorning the scholars of
the jews who, before the divine invitation of hadrat muhammad
(p.b.u.h.), recommended people to embrace islam. they enjoined them
to pay charity and favour each other, but they did not do these good
deeds themselves. they did not accept islam in order to continue their
mastership, nor pay charity lest they might become poor.

but, the verse, in fact, addresses and admonishes all those who
habitually recommend others to piety and neglect their own souls.

" do you enjoin righteousness upon people while you forget
your own selves (to practice it)? ..."

it is not logical that a person enjoins his fellow men to help others
and work righteousness but, he himself does not observe it. that is
why, at the end of the verse, it says:

"... and you read the scripture? have you then no sense? "

it inquires, how you do not understand that you should enjoin
righteousness on yourselves first and do accordingly to be as an
example,then expect others to obey you and receive your recommendation, with
their whole hearts. experience has proved that words which are
uttered only by the tongue, as simple statements, physically strike the
ears and perish. but reasonable speech that arises from the soul and
reality, settles in souls firmly and affects hearts deeply.