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284. " to allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the
earth; and whether you reveal what is in your minds or hide it,
allah will call you to account for it.
then he will forgive whom he wills, and will punish whom he wills; and
allah is all-powerful over all things. "

this verse, in fact, completes what was said at the end of the
previous verse. it says:

" to allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth;
and whether you reveal what is in your minds or hide it,
allah will call you to account for it. ..."

then, the continuation of the verse means that do not suppose
that actions such as concealing testimony and heartly sins are covered to
him. no, he is the one whose sovereignty is over the world of
existence and the earth and the heavens totally. so, there will be
nothing concealed to allah.

"... then he will forgive whom he wills, and will punish whom he wills; ..."

at the end of the verse, it says:

and allah is all-powerful over all things."

that is, he is both cognizant due to all the things of the world and
able to determine the eligibilities and competencies and he is also able
to compensate the disobedients.