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278. "o' you who have faith! be in awe of allah, and forgo what remains
(due to you) of usury, if you are faithful."

it is cited in some commentary books, such as: majma`-ul-bayan,
al-mizan, and maraq­i, that when the verse upon the prohibition of
usury was revealed, some of the companions of the prophet (p.b.u.h.),
like khalid-ibn-walid, abbas, and uthman, had claimed some amount
of interest from people. they asked the prophet (p.b.u.h.) about their
claims, when the above mentioned verse was revealed.

after the revelation of this verse, the holy prophet (p.b.u.h.) said:
"my uncle, abbas, is not rightful to demand interest either." then, the
messenger of allah added:
" first of all, my relatives must abandon
he also in a sermon said: " i put all the interests of usury
(belonging to) the age of ignorant under my feet, and the first one i put is
the interest of abbas."

1. the requisite of faith is to dispense with the rights of others
and the prohibited wealth.

"... if you are faithful."

2. the sign of piety is giving up the unlawful commodity.

" o' you who have faith! be in awe of allah, and forgo what remains
(due to you) of usury, ..."

1 fi zilal-il-quran, vol. 1, p. 486