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264." o' you who have faith! do not nullify your charities by reproach and
injury, like the one who spends his property to be seen by people
and does not believe in allah and the last day;
so his likeness is as the likeness of a rock whereon is (a little) soil,
then a heavy rain falls upon it and leaves it just a bare stone.
they shall not be able to gain anything of what they have earned; and allah
does not guide the disbelieving people."

265. " but the likeness of those who spend their property to seek the pleasure
of allah, and to strengthen their own souls,
is as the likeness of a garden on a high ground, upon which a heavy rain
falls and it yields its fruit two-fold; but if a heavy rain does
not fall upon it, then a light rain (is sufficient);
and allah sees what you do."

in the previous couple of verses, at first, this fact was pointed out
that the believers should not make their charities in the way of allah
invalid because of reproach and injury. then, two interesting similitudes
are expressed upon those charities which are followed by reproach and
injury and also for hypocritical acts and ostentation, and those charities
which are originated from loyalty and human sympathy.

consider a piece of rock covered with a little amount of dust.
when it be sown with good seeds and exposed to fresh air and sunshine,
and then, a harsh rain falls upon it, the rain will surely washes out the
thin dust from the rock and scatters the containg seed with the dust.
consequently, the hard inpenetrable rock, on which no plant can grow,
appears with its rough feature. this is not for that the fresh air, sunshine
and falling rain have had a bad effect. it is because the place where the
seed was sown has been an unappropriate place for the aim. its
appearance was adorned while its inner side was an inpenetrable rough
rock with a mere thin amount of dust over its surface. it is in a state
that plants and trees, besides having suitable conditions above the
ground, need a good preparation under the ground for the roots in
order to spread and feed.

" o' you who have faith! do not nullify your charities by reproach and
injury, like the one who spends his property to be seen by people
and does not believe in allah and the last day;..."

the qur'an has likened the hypocritical deeds and charities
followed with reproach and injury, that which originate from the callous
hearts, to a rock covered with a little dust from which no profit can be
gained. so, the efforts of the farmer and the sower will be wasted, too.

"...so his likeness is as the likeness of a rock whereon is (a little) soil,
then a heavy rain falls upon it and leaves it just a bare stone.
they shall not be able to gain anything of what they have earned; and allah
does not guide the disbelieving people."

another interesting similitude
consider a green grass garden which is located on a high
productive land and benefited from fresh free air and sufficient
sunshine. useful downpour falls water it, but when the rainfall is not
enough, drizzles and drops of dew preserve the pleasantness and
freshness of the garden. as a result, such a garden usually yields its
fruits two-fold more than the other ordinary gardens. this sort of
gardens, besides having productive land, enjoy of dew and drizzles added
to enough rainfalls. they have such a beautiful view that attracts the
attention of any visitor from the distance. they are also safe from the
threat of floods.

those who give their wealth in charity for the sake of allah`s
pleasure and for strengthening faith and certainty in their hearts and
souls, are like this garden which have a bountiful valuable product.

" but the likeness of those who spend their property to seek the pleasure
of allah, and to strengthen their own souls,
is as the likeness of a garden on a high ground, upon which a heavy rain
falls and it yields its fruit two-fold; but if a heavy rain does not fall upon it,
then a light rain (is sufficient); and allah sees what you do."