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261. " the likeness of those who spend their property in the way of allah is
as the likeness of a grain (of corn) that grows seven ears,
(with) a hundred grains in every ear.
and allah multiplies (in abundance) for whom he wills;
and allah is all-embracing, all-knowing."

enjoining others to giving charity and prohibition from
immoderation and extravagance are the best way to solving the problem
of the difference of social classes. on the other hand, the appearance
and spread of usury is the origine and motive of social classes to be
created. that may be why that the necessity of giving charity and
prohibition of usury are stated beside each other in the qur'an.

by the way, it should be noted it is not so that any grain of corn
planted in any land does grow seven ears with a hundred grains. but, the
grain should be safe, the land should be susceptible, the time must be
appropriate, and the preparation and protection should be complete.

1. applying the natural phenomena will never become out of
fashion at any time. they are always comprehensible for all people in
any age and in any acceptabe conditions.

2. encouragement and promise of reward are often the most
intensive motives for individuals to move forward.

3. the grace of allah is illimited.

"... and allah multiplies (in abundance) for whom he wills; and allah is
all-embracing, all-knowing."

4. that charity is worthy which is given in the way of allah.

" the likeness of those who spend their property in the way of allah..."

5. the praise of the qur'an is upon those who spend in charity as
a habit in their current life. the arabic term /yunfiquna/ (spend their
property), which is mentioned in this verse, refers to an action done

6. the best example is that example which has external reality.

"...is as the likeness of a grain (of corn) that grows seven ears,
(with) a hundred grains in every ear. ..."

7. if spending one's property can be multiplied as much as seven
hundred times then what about those who give their lives in charity for
the sake of allah?

1 al-mizan, vol. 2, p. 406