214. " or did you suppose you would enter paradise untouched by the
suffering which was endured by those before you?
they were afflicted by distress and adversity and were so shakened that
the messenger and those who believed with him said,
`when will allah's help (come)?'
surely allah's help is (always) nigh! "

occasion of revelation:
some of the commentators say that this verse was revealed on the
occasion of the battle of ahzab, or the confederate, when the muslims
got impatient and terribly terrified in the battle. so, they, being
surrounded by the enemy, began asking about the help of allah, the
almighty. therefore, the revelation of this verse invited them to
patience and perseverance and made them hopeful of triumph through
the help of allah.

it is also reported that when muslims were defeated in the battle
of 'uhud, `abdillah-ibn-'ubayy, reproaching them, inquired that until
when those muslims were going to give themselves in death and he
added that if muhammad (p.b.u.h.) was really the messenger of allah,
then he (s.w.t.) would not let his companions be captured or killed. at
that moment the above verse was revealed.

intense adversities as a divine practice:

the above verse indicates that some of the believers thought that
the main factor of arriving in heaven was only the expression of faith
ƒto allah and, thereafter, no trouble or pain they might tolerate.
hence, allah would arrange their affairs, they imagined, and destroy
their enemies without any effort and endeavour that they themselves
might suffer.

against this kind of wrong thinking, the qur'an points to the true
and usual method of allah. it says that the believers must be ready to
devote themselves and to face with troubles and difficulties along the
path of faith and its influence. these difficulties are, in fact, some trials
which make the real faith from the unreal one manifest. the qur'an
also explains that these trials and difficulties exist as a general law, and
that is why they had afflicted the former nations and all previous sects,

" or did you suppose you would enter paradise untouched by the
suffering which was endured by those before you? ..."

the israelites, for example entangled with many sufferings in
order to be rescued from the oppressive grips of the pharaoh. when
they were amazed and did not know what to do, the grace and favour of
allah came and helped them to win their enemy. this situation was not
exclusive to the children of israel alone, but, as the above verse points
out in the phrase: " by those before you ", all earlier nations had a
common status from this point of view, too. it seems that this is a divine
practice which is the secret of training and spiritual development in
human kind.

" ... they were afflicted by distress and adversity ..."

all dynasties should be involved in the current of adversities and
calamities so that they be prepared for some more important and graver
adventures, and also, by this way, the efficient and experienced ones be
recognized and with repelling the unworthy persons, the society be

" ... and were so shakened that the messenger and those who believed
with him said, ..."

another point that we must be aware of in commenting on this
verse is that, at the end, it proclaims that afflictions and adversities had
so intensely encompassed the former nations that even the believing
people and prophets, all together, said:

" ... `when will allah's help (come)?' ... "

it is evident that the purpose, here, is not a protest against the
providence, but this manner of statement is itself a kind of invocation
and a plea for help. so, the qur'an says:

" ... surely allah's help is (always) nigh! "