212. " the life of this world has been made to seem fair to those who
disbeleive, and they mock those who beleive, but those who guard
 (against evil) shall be above them on the day of judgement and
 allah provides with sustenance for whomever he wills
without measure. "

occasion of revelation:
ibn-abbas, the famous commentator, says that this holy verse was
revealed about the chief leaders of quraysh, a minority of wealthy
people in their disbelieving tribe, who were living in easy circumstances.
they used to mock a group of steadfast muslim believers, who were
poor from the point of finances. these disbelievers said: if the prophet
muhammad (p.b.u.h.) had really been appointed from the side of god
and was a noble prophet, the rich and authoritative ones would have
followed him. then, this verse was revealed and answered their vain

the occasion of revelation of the verse does not hinder us from
taking the verse as a general and common rule, or consider it as the
perfecter of the previous verse about the jews. the verse says:

" the life of this world has been made to seem fair to those
who disbelieve, ... "

thus, they were so proud that they ridiculed those believers who
were rather poor:

" ... and they mock those who believe, ... "

yet, in the meantime, the attention should also be paid to this
condition that:

" ... but those who guard (against evil) shall be above them
on the day of judgement ... "

the reason for that condition lies in the coming world where the
spiritual ranks will be illustrated in their objective forms and believers
will be positioned in such elevated high ranks that these miserable
people, comparing them to as if the believers are in high sky of honour,
feel themselves in the lowest and deepest earthly abode of disgrace. this
is not surprising, of course, because the foregoing detailed condition is
the fruit of their own deeds:

" ... and allah provides with sustenance for whomever
he wills without measure. "

these facts are, indeed, some gladtidings for the poor believers
and also a severe warning to the rich who are proud and faithless unto
the truth.

and the phrase stating that `allah provides with sustenance for
whomever (here, the believers) he wills without measure' may point to
this idea that divine rewards, from the view of quantity and quality, are
never equivalent to our good deeds. they are bestowed according to his
grace and generosity, and, also, we know that there is no limit to the
grace and generosity of allah.