172. " o' you who have faith! eat of the good things we have
provided youwith, and be grateful to allah, if him it is you worship."

in this verse, too, allah advises us to be grateful for using the
blessings and bounties, and thank him. there is a tradition from the
holy prophet (p.b.u.h.), cited in tafsir-us¤-safi, stating that allah says
that he creates people, but they worship other than him; and, he
provides (them) sustenance, but they thank others save allah.

it is made clear in this verse that we ought to eat from the good
wholesome foods that allah has provided us sustenance and be
thankful to him.

" o' you who have faith! eat of the good things we have provided you
with, and be grateful to allah, ..."

intellect necessiates the act of thankfulness to the giver of a
bounty, too.

"... if him it is you worship."

however, being thankful to allah is a means of continuity and
abundancy of bounties. and, to be grateful to allah is a sign of
sincerity and the purity of one's faith.

it is narrated from imam hadi (a.s.) who said that the wrath of
allah encompasses those who prohibit or deprive themselves from the
godly lawful things and permissible deeds.2

1 tafsir-us-safi, vol. 1, p. 193
2 tafsir-i-nur, vol. 1, p. 329