125. " and (remember) when we made the house (the ka`bah in mecca)
a resort and a secure sanctuary for the people, (saying):
` take to yourselves abraham's station for a place of prayer '.
and we enjoined abraham and ismail (saying):
` sanctify my house for those who go around it, for those
who abide in it and pay devotion,
and to those who bow down and prostrate themselves '."

commentary :
the magnificence of the ka`bah

after explaining the high rank of abraham (a.s.) stated in the
previous verse, the qur'an, in this verse, directs attention towards the
magnificence of the house, the ka`bah in mecca, which was built by
abraham and his son (a.s.). it says:

" and (remember) when we made the house (the ka`bah in mecca)
a resort and a secure sanctuary for the people, ..."

since the term / ma¶abah /, originally based on / ¶aub /, means ` a
place to which people return ' or ` a place where people assemble ', and
the ka`bah has been a center where monotheists gather every year,
then, by this assembly, believers, not only bodily but also spiritually,
return to divine unity and to their intrinsic nature. so, that may be
why the term / ma¶abah / (a resort, an abode, a house) has been used
for this sacred house. and, since a man's house is the continuous
returning site of its inhabitants who, after having completed their
affairs, can experience rest and tranquility therein, there lies this sense
of resting and tranquility in the meaning of the term / ma¶abah /. this
emphasizes the concept of its next word / amnan / ` secure sanctuary '
especially with the word ` people ', which indicates that this secure
center is a common refuge for all people of the world.

this is, in fact, the acceptance by allah of one of the requests
that abraham (a.s.) sought. (we will discuss this subject on page 300.)
then, it adds:

"... (saying): ` take to yourselves abraham's station for
a place of prayer.'..."

the opinions of the commentators are divided as to what
` abraham's station ' is. some of them have said that the whole hajj is
abraham's station. some others have rendered it to / `arafah / ` the
mount of recognition ', / mas`arul haram / ` sacred monument ', and
/jamarat/ ` lapidations '; while others believe that the entire sacred
premises of mecca is considered the ` station '.

but, as many islamic narrations denote, and many of the
commentators have said, too, the verse apparently refers to the very
standing-place of abraham which is located close to the ka`bah where
pilgrims offer their circumambulatory prayer after performing their
ritual circumambulation of the ka`bah. thus, the purpose of the term
/musalla/, mentioned in the verse, is ` the place of prayer ', too.

then, it refers to the covenant that he made with abraham (a.s.)
and ismail (a.s.) about the purification of the ka`bah, where it says:

"... and we enjoined abraham and ismail (saying):
` sanctify my house for those who go around it, for those
who abide in it and pay devotion,
and to those who bow down and prostrate themselves '."

what is the meaning of sanctification here? some have said that
the meaning of sanctification here is purification fro m the existence of

some others have said that the purpose is purification from
outward dirt like blood and the contents of animals' stomachs which
people sacrificed therein, because there were some ignorant persons
who thoughtlessly did such deeds as leaving these remains behind.

furthermore, some believe that sanctification, here, means ` purity
of intent ' when building this house of monotheism.

there is no reason for us to confine the meaning of sanctification
here. its purpose is purification of this ` house of monotheism ' from
any dirt, physically and spiritually.

it is for this reason that in some traditions we read that this verse
has been rendered into sanctification from pagans and in some others
into washing and purifying the body from dirt.

* * * *

explanation :
the secure refuge, its social and educational effects

according to the above verse, ` the house of ka`bah ' has been
chosen and proclaimed as ` a secure refuge ' by allah. we know that
there are resolute rules in islam instructing every believer to avoid any
quarrel, war, fight and bloodshed within the limits of this holy land,
mecca. it is so that not only the members of humankind, regardless of
nationality, race, gender, group, or condition, should be safe and secure
there, but also animals and birds are protected there, in that nobody is
allowed to hurt them.

in this world, where fighting and wars are always within the
overall scene, the existence of such a peaceful center can function as a
special helpful fortress within which the problems of many nations can
be solved. the security of this region lets different peoples, with all
their differences and enmities that they may have, gather together
therein, sitting, speaking, and solving their difficulties. thus, one of the
most important problems which usually exists, initiating face to face oral
communications about dismissing or decreasing enmities between
nations, can be solved.

it frequently happens that the two sides of a conflict or the
opposing governments in the world are willing to put an end to their
antagonism and have parley for this purpose, but they cannot find a
secure and respectable place wherein both sides can feel free to speak
therein peacefully and securely. this case has been anticipated in
islam, and mecca is introduced as such a center.

now that most of the muslims of the world are unfortunately
involved in some hostile conflicts, they can make use of this sacred
secure land, and, under its banner of holiness and special spirituality
which enlightens the hearts, begin speaking with each other to solve
their problems.

* * * *

why the `house 'of ka`bah ?

in the above verse, the ka`bah is referred to by the lord as ` my
house ',while it is clear that neither is allah bodily substance nor does
he need a house. the purpose, here, is to honour and glorify the
ka`bah by stating its honour and lofty status, and, therefore, it is called
/baytullah / ` the house of allah '.