110: [Divine] Support

These 3 verses were revealed at Mina on the eastern outskirts of Mecca during the Farewell Pilgrimage, and they, as well as V.281 in The Cow 2 and V.3 in
The Table 5, are dated after the chapter on Repentance 9. They might thus
be considered to date chronologically from the late Madinese period, even though
the geographical location is the vicinity of Mecca. These verses thus form the very
last chapter to be revealed to the prophet. It is one of the shortest chapters (along
with Plenty 108, which likewise consists of three verses).
The message assures Muhammad that Islam will ultimately be successful. The
word support ` exists as both a noun and verb and is thus more effective in
rendering such meanings or situations, so I use it in preference to victory
(which I have retained for the word fath as in Chapter 48).