48: Victory

This chapter of 29 verses arranged in four sections was revealed in the interval after
the truce made at the tree of Hudaybiyya in the sixth year following the Hijra,
or during 628 A. D.; thus it belongs to the Madinese period. It was revealed after
Friday (or congregation) 62, when we consider the sequence of the chapters
within the Qur'an itself.
The chapter mentions political difficulties section II, while a mob scene is
described in section III. Ultimate victory is promised the Prophet and believers
in section IV, which also contains the fable of The Sturdy Plant . One great
problem facing the early Muslims was how to divide up or dispose of booty that
fell to them in battle; the Prophet did not want any followers who joined his forces
merely in order to acquire it. This chapter reinforces the Muslim's sense of duty.