41: [Signs] Spelled Out

This chapter of 54 Meccan verses is arranged in six sections. It was revealed in
sequence after the previous one called The Believer 40 and before the next one
on Consultation 42. When the Prophet's uncle `Utbali ibn-Hisham heard this,
he is said to have exclaimed: By God. I have heard a recitation such as I have
never heard before! It is neither poetry, nor magic, nor divination... Leave this
man alone, referring of course to his nephew.
The chapter deals with creation (II) and what one may expect as a reward for
his actions. The role of the prophets who were sent to the ancient Arabian peoples
of `Ad and Thamud is mentioned (II), the Golden Rule in its Islamic context is also
stated (V); and then at the very end, the Qur'an itself is described. The alternate
title for the chapter is Ha-Mim on Worship .